Out Of The Blue


New Member
Apr 16, 2010
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When i was cleaning out my filter today i noticed something strange at the bottom of it - turned out to be a single baby cory :blink:

Came as a big surprise as I didn`t even know any of my corys were pregnant - no sign of eggs at all.

Anyway as this is my first how do I look after it - I have it in a breeding net at the moment as I only have one tank.What do I feed it on and when do I let it go into the main tank ?

The other fish I have are pearl gourami,neon tetra and parrot platy - any danger of them having a go at it ?

Hi scoobydiver :)

Your fish will probably consider the fry dinner if he is still small enough to swallow. Unless your tank is heavily planted and it can hide successfully you are better off to move him to another tank or container. Hikari First Bites is a good food to start it out with and microworms (if you can obtain a starter culture) is also good.

Since you know now that your fish are spawning, you may want to raise a few yourself. For starters I would recommend that you read this article and also look for Harlequins posts about raising that species. She's had a lot of success with breeding them. :)

Hi scoobydiver :)

Your fish will probably consider the fry dinner if he is still small enough to swallow. Unless your tank is heavily planted and it can hide successfully you are better off to move him to another tank or container. Hikari First Bites is a good food to start it out with and microworms (if you can obtain a starter culture) is also good.

Since you know now that your fish are spawning, you may want to raise a few yourself. For starters I would recommend that you read this article and also look for Harlequins posts about raising that species. She's had a lot of success with breeding them. :)
Thanks for that - read the article so everything is a bit clearer now.

Fish is just over 1cm long so will keep it in the secure confines of my breeding net.
Congrats on finding your wee fry :)

Tri's are very good at hiding their eggs,mine only laid a few each time unlike my albinos that lay tons :rolleyes: so therefore are harder to spot. I could tell with mine when they were active and about to breed,so therefore i looked for eggs :lol:

Good luck,has inchworm said firstbites are good also finely crushed flakes,baby brine shrimp etc :good:
Will be paying a visit to the local pet shop tonight - came as a big surprise finding it so my daughter has aptly named it "lucky".
wee guy is still doing well and seems to be eating whatever is laid down to him. Just wondering at what size roughly would it be safe for him to go into the main tank ?

Probably about a couple of centimeters just now.

I doubt any of them can fit it in their mouths :) If they are fed well i doubt they will bother it, i cant see a neon touching it at least :)
I doubt any of them can fit it in their mouths :) If they are fed well i doubt they will bother it, i cant see a neon touching it at least :)

decided to put him in the tank and so far so good - seems to be holding his own and foraging for food with the rest of them.
Whilst rearranging my tank today I too found a baby peppered cory in my tank...i saw my albino peppered lay some eggs a few weeks back so I'm guessing hes from that batch...pleasant surprise.
Whilst rearranging my tank today I too found a baby peppered cory in my tank...i saw my albino peppered lay some eggs a few weeks back so I'm guessing hes from that batch...pleasant surprise.

Hope your cory is doing as well as mine, they don`t half grow fast.

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