I can say no Jay lol I dont have a spare tank anymore lol
My beloved Rocky (red eared slider) who gives me so much grief, she is a fistey old sole who would take my finger off, grumpy sourpuss but I love her.
This is Elyia, (red eared slider) who defies all turtle care, she loves nothing more than being petted and her shell scratched with my nails or the glass cleaner scrubby thingamy. in comparason to Rocky she is a sweetie. She is the biggest last time I measured her she was 11 1/2" shell length (I think)
Goldie, her shell is still a bit poor it was almost completely white over, but now she is on the right food, its comming along slowly. I dont actually know what Goldie is, I think she is a florida cooter.
Last but by no means least is my cheeky little Atlas (mississippi map) he is such a cutie and a poser!
You can still see some white marks on his shell, he came to me with Goldie, but he was not as bad.
Hope you like my little crew.