Our Nano Has Been Started! Photo Updates


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, UK
We picked up our 24G D&D Nanocube on Sat and yesterday added salted RO and 2kgs of LR :good:

The moonlight LEDs are a lovely effect, especialy with the water surface rippling, can't wait to watch the action at night when its all completed! :rolleyes:

Will upload some photos soon of it in progress
We picked up our 24G D&D Nanocube on Sat and yesterday added salted RO and 2kgs of LR :good:

The moonlight LEDs are a lovely effect, especialy with the water surface rippling, can't wait to watch the action at night when its all completed! :rolleyes:

Will upload some photos soon of it in progress

That sounds like progress! Time for pictures :drool:
Here are some photies of it, as you can see, very sparse and not enough LR yet :blush:



Nice looking tank. let me know how you get on as this tank would be perfect in my living room so I might get one myself.
Be careful...adding live rock in dribs and drabs can cause a re-cycle and kill off your tank. Make sure you are POSITIVE that the LR you are adding is fully cured...OR....wait until your entire LR is in before adding marine life. SH
Be careful...adding live rock in dribs and drabs can cause a re-cycle and kill off your tank. Make sure you are POSITIVE that the LR you are adding is fully cured...OR....wait until your entire LR is in before adding marine life. SH

Thanks, I know that's why I went and got a load more yesterday and that will be it, am monitoring levels daily and will not any livestock until I'm sure its cycled :good:

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