Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

I just spotted a nasty looking thing in my tank, :crazy: at first it looked like an arrow crab, but I've got a nasty feeling I could be borrowing seffie's soldering iron :blink: What do you think?

I just spotted a nasty looking thing in my tank, :crazy: at first it looked like an arrow crab, but I've got a nasty feeling I could be borrowing seffie's soldering iron :blink: What do you think?


That thing certainly looks like it has a pincer :crazy: oh yuck, an Arrow crab - a blooming big spider in your tank, oh lordy

Seffie x

Don't think its one of them Truck just goggled it and doesn't look like any of the pictures. If you look carefully on my picture you can see what looks like pincers :sick:
Don't think its one of them Truck just goggled it and doesn't look like any of the pictures. If you look carefully on my picture you can see what looks like pincers :sick:
yeah just took a second look, and i think seffie has it. maybe another picture in macro mode will confirm an arrow crab
That was in macro :unsure: Just put food in tank on top of whatever it is and it didn't move, shrimp came along and eat food right off it :huh: so I'm going in with my tongs now :sick:
Ok mystrey solved :yahoo: one dead arrow crab now removed :good: minus one leg :crazy:
I think he may have been trapped under some LR and when I did rescape the other day he has surfaced :sick:
Would he have contributed to me being unable to get my nitrate down?
Did not notice pincers, just thought it was what truck said.

Hope what your looking at is not just a moult and the real thing is hiding somewhere. :crazy:

OH gawd don't say that, it looked like real thing, but its flushed down toilet now :sly: I will keep my eyes peeled :good:
Ok, my lovely big toadstool leather is very unhappy - he was getting so big, as big as a dinner plate, I had to move him up higher so I could see the rest of the tank :crazy: stupidly I put him too close to my frog eeekkkk - he now has two black spots on him where I assume the frog slapped him one :blink: now I know I should cut it off :sick: but what do you think will happen if I leave it, will it get worse and spread or will it heal?

Seffie x


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