Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Call it whatever you like :p

I went and joined the nem owners club cos of you too :angel:
Nothing as fancy as yours, just a green bubble tip, my clowns look at it like 'W T F?' then carry on :lol:
Mine seems to have found a home too, he hasnt moved for a day or two. He went on quite a big mission on day one though.

edit, i bet trodas already got that tank filled, secretly. If it were mine it would be fully stocked already.

Shhhhhh she hasn't twigged yet LOL

Well, My Ben (you got Bill then Seffie!) seems to have settled, he is staying put, he's got his foot in a cave, which he retreated to after lights out last night, then this morning, he's out and looking good again, He has just eaten a cockle :cool: on the second attempt, as the first one was grabbed by the cleaner shrimp :rofl: going to take a bit of practice this feeding lark. :nod:
The only trouble is that he has settled right next to one of my xenia's, Ben is not bothered by it but the xenia is not happy, obviously I can't move the LR which the xenia is on as it forms the cave, bit of a catch 22. I'm assuming the xenia will eventually move, do you think it will be ok in the mean time, shall I just leave them alone to fight it out themselves.
Really don't want to interfere as Ben seems to have settled :big_boss:
id rather have a happy nem than xenia tbh :) Show us a pic...pretty please

fixed the typo on your name from the last post too :p
here you go :good:



2 for the price of 1
Welcome to the Nem club, good try blaming us, but you know you really wanted one :p

By the way here's another picture of Bill, after he had moved :good:


Where's your photo then Ben? (that's 'our Ben' and Not nem Ben :lol: )

Seffie x


ps I rather liked the Ying and yang suggestion :good:
Could alway try "NE" & "MO" (I do like my disney cartoons).

They look really good.... they may stop moving once the name is settled??
Haha I love reading this journal, you've both come a long way with your tanks!

As for clownfish naming I had difficulty with my own and finally settled with Nemo and Omen (do you get why? xD)
Call it Gypsea as it's always wondering around.
Call it Gypsea as it's always wondering around.

:whistle: hopefully stopped wandering now :good:

Anyways, so buy my clowns a very pretty Nem (with pink tips) and what do they do, go straight over to the long polyped toadstool and start hosting behaviours towards it :crazy: little b***ers!

Seffie x

Call it Gypsea as it's always wondering around.

:whistle: hopefully stopped wandering now :good:

Anyways, so buy my clowns a very pretty Nem (with pink tips) and what do they do, go straight over to the long polyped toadstool and start hosting behaviours towards it :crazy: little b***ers!

Seffie x

:lol: oh the joys of reef keeping :whistle:

i saw a pair earlier hosting some zoas :crazy:

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