Our Biggest Bubblenester!


Siamese Fighting Fish......The clue is in the name
Jan 18, 2008
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This is our red dragon Pk "Moby" that we bought recently. Not a day has passed without him bubbling away so thought I'd get some pics. As soon as our fry are jarred up we'll hopefully be spawning him, so hope he perfoms as well in the spawning tank.



Thats fair nest he's made :good:
My VT Renton only could make a nest about the size of Two 2 pound coins :no:
but it still worked :nod:
Oh he is beautiful and what a nest. I had a red dragon once for about 3 years he was a character.
that is a big nest!!! Lets hope he doesn't built great nests but eat the eggs because that would be typical!!! lol!!
great nest, mine builds like a nutter too, but will only do it under IAL, then eats the sodding fry :angry:
Beautiful nest, it's so thick! Mine seem to spread out bubbles over half the tank that are only a layer thick... no way they'd hold eggs. They're pretty silly aren't they!
Beautiful nest, it's so thick! Mine seem to spread out bubbles over half the tank that are only a layer thick... no way they'd hold eggs. They're pretty silly aren't they!
you'll be surprised how many eggs one bubble can hold. :good: I had a few bubbles wonder who bred quiet easily and he always raised fry with these few bubbles.
lol.....he is a monster of a boy hence the name Moby. He builds like this every day with nothing to build under!!!

Ssshhhhhh Lexi.....don't mention the word EE :crazy:

I'm hoping he's going to be a good boy in the spawning tank :D We're conditioning now in the hope that in a couple of weeks time I can jar up my babies and get the tank set up again for him and his partner.
I should get a snap of my guys nest, seriously it will put that to shame lmao, i think its probally bc the female he bred with in teh the section next to him, probally out to impress. haha

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