Our 370g Aquarium

thought of breeding the oscars?, im presuming they are male and female?

We only have the one oscar.

Thanks everyone.. We really enjoy this tank, and look forward to adding more fish to it etc. I will add new pics soon.
Great tank, however, as cane says it has great monster potential...Get some rays in there!!! And a couple of cats too, the 40" width is excellent for those types of fish so I would suggest you look into them...
id be thinking about a asian arowana community and some rays in that tank
if your in the states a silver and black arowana community
either way you gotta have a arowana in there imo :rolleyes:
id be thinking about a asian arowana community and some rays in that tank
if your in the states a silver and black arowana community
either way you gotta have a arowana in there imo :rolleyes:
I aggree with aros all the way...And some p bass too, you can get orincos over there pretty easily I hear!? I would have the fish you have allready, 3 p bass', 2 siler aros, a trio of motoros and a nice catfish too...
id be thinking about a asian arowana community and some rays in that tank
if your in the states a silver and black arowana community
either way you gotta have a arowana in there imo :rolleyes:
I aggree with aros all the way...And some p bass too, you can get orincos over there pretty easily I hear!? I would have the fish you have allready, 3 p bass', 2 siler aros, a trio of motoros and a nice catfish too...

Any pics of the fish your referring to?
Any pics of the fish your referring to?
Yeah no probs:
This is a silver arowana, get to about 30" if the tanks big enough, you sould be able to get them locally and pretty cheap too.

These are peacock bass, there are a few subspecies which have differant colours, patterns etc such as azuls, orincos and there are a few others. Will probably get arround 26", but it can vary depending on species.


This is a motoro stingray. Pretty cheap and the most easily available, ive got a stickied artical about rays on the oddball forum, theres more info there, but heres a pic.
Very nice size. That 40" width makes it so you can put almost anythign sold in aquaria in there. I know why it needs to be in the basement, but it almost feels like a shame to keep them down there....

That pacu must be massive as it makes the tank not look very big at all haha

Whatever you decide to add to your tank ask lots of questions and all of the very knowledgable people who frequent this forum can give you lots of info on care and stocking questions :good:

Good luck
Updated pics... Keep in mind the basement is not finished, and we plan to add more rocks, some large plants and more fish! Even though we have a 3700sq foot house, there isn't a room that will fit this, I wish there was. But its so heavy I would worry about it on a first or 2nd floor, as we did at our first home. We did make sure that we at least had a nice large basement to put this in. One photo shows my husband in front of it, to show size.







Nice, she's a biggun!

Nice tank, i'm currently sorting out a sump for my 270 gal.Can you show me some piccies of your sump and how it's set up :good:

Do you mean a sump that pulls water from tank for water changes? We don't have one, but plan to get one. We use a python hose and it syphons out naturally, and then refill with python. It takes forever, but we havn't figured out what type/style of sump to use. We want to be able to hook up the python hose to it easily.

or do you mean filter sump? I've got a Rena XP3 on the back, and plan to add 2 more in the future.

Oh, whats the black box in the middle of the tank then?

The black box is an internal filter. We don't use it for that, but do feed the tubes from the cannister filter from this box, out to aquarium. It actually works out well this way. When we first got the tank, we had 4 pumps connected to bottom holes and it pulled water in and through filter material in back, but the pumps eventually got clogged and were not easy to remove to service, so we just removed them and didn't replace them.

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