Our 370g Aquarium

looking good :good:
its probably me but that tank dont look 6ft long :unsure:

Possibly because my husband is tall? :) But, it really is 6 feet, just compare the 40" width to the front.
that tank really needs some rays - good size you got there

Will they do well on rock bottom? I thought they did best on sand bottom?
Just change over to finer gravel, will be worth it if you can keep rays...
Oh right, if rocks are more important than fish then fair enough :rolleyes: . Na Im only joking, I can see your point...Have you considered any of the fishes you asked me to put picturs of on this thread for your tank? (obvuously not the ray though now)
Love the look of the Peacock bass, something to think about, same with Arrowana, though I tend to like the Asian type better. I've never seen peacock bass around here. Would really like to find a Giant gourami.
Ill give you a tip for finding predators in the US: AquaticPredators
Should be able to find them on there or find someone who knows how to get them, aswell as aquabid.
The black box is an internal filter. We don't use it for that, but do feed the tubes from the cannister filter from this box, out to aquarium. It actually works out well this way. When we first got the tank, we had 4 pumps connected to bottom holes and it pulled water in and through filter material in back, but the pumps eventually got clogged and were not easy to remove to service, so we just removed them and didn't replace them.
Cool, thats one big internal!I thought it was an overflow or somthing. :rolleyes:
isnt food debris and fish waste gonna be hard to get to under those rocks?

We are only putting enough to fill bottom with about one layer of rocks. Plus we may end up adding some sand just to cover bottom under rocks. A bottom dweller will be able to get to food debri. As for waste, we'll see how it goes. I may end up adding more suction on the bottom of tank.
looking good, i really like the stand and lid too

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