Other hobbies

Even self employed
Yes. Everyone has to pay taxes... That's just part of living. There is no not paying taxes... Maybe the people the live off grid don't but everyone does I believe.
I traded some fresh home grown basil for home grown tomatoes the other day. No taxes paid. As the economy gets worse, barter will increase, no taxes paid :)
I traded some fresh home grown basil for home grown tomatoes the other day. No taxes paid. As the economy gets worse, barter will increase, no taxes paid :)
Not taxes like that... I mean like taxes the government bills you. You have to pay yearly taxes. Not you go to a store and pay tax
Not taxes like that... I mean like taxes the government bills you. You have to pay yearly taxes. Not you go to a store and pay tax
Last I checked, sales tax, is billed at time of sale and goes to the State (and sometimes)local Gov't.
It's all (mostly) money down the drain.
Last I checked, sales tax, is billed at time of sale and goes to the State (and sometimes)local Gov't.
It's all (mostly) money down the drain.
Yes exactly, I know that. But I think we were all misunderstanding each other on what tax we were talking about... I was talking about yearly tax and you guys were talking about sales tax.
What're you doing? Lol sorry... I kinda dumb
I guess where it spawns me on google maps based off of architecture, license plates, dirt color, geography, language, door frames, street size, and many many more. This is an example of my guesses. As you can see, many of them are a few hundred f feet away from where I actually was

I should clarify I don’t use google.
I guess where it spawns me on google maps based off of architecture, license plates, dirt color, geography, language, door frames, street size, and many many more. This is an example of my guesses. As you can see, many of them are a few hundred f feet away from where I actually was

I should clarify I don’t use google.
Ohhhhh ok... Really cool!
I make my money by working for neighbors. We have some elderly people in the neighborhood that I help and in turn they pay me. I also mow lawns. I dont pay taxes and its cash only. Should I actually be paying taxes?
If you are only mowing a few lawns for the neighbours, I wouldn't bother telling the tax department anything. It's not a viable or profitable business. You are simply mowing your neighbour's lawn so no, you don't have to pay taxes.

If you were mowing 50 lawns a week and living off the proceeds (ie: paying rent, paying bills, buying food, etc, with the profits), then it would be a business and you could pay taxes. But don't worry about taxes for a couple of neighbourhood lawns.
It’s so freakin’ annoying. I was for a short while a driving instructor (my blood pressure couldn’t take it), and I remember a client pulling out of a junction and when I asked why they thought it was clear replied “if it’s not you’ll stop me”. Funnily enough 4 times to pass their test and when I saw then a few months afterwards their nice sparkly new car had a massive dent in the side.

I used to tell people that driving is a priviledge, and that they were learning to drive an x tonne killing machine so they needed to take that priviledge seriously. They used to look at me with open mouths, I don’t think they get what a serious responsibility being able to drive is.

I honestly think people should be made to ride something that makes them vulnerable on the road, then perhaps they’d be more considerate once they get behind the wheel of a car.
Yeah I completely agree with this. I see people accelerating their cars to 40 mph in a couple of seconds around school traffic. People don’t realise how little it would take a car to kill someone

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