

New Member
Jan 15, 2007
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i just got a new oscar and of coarse he is sulking and stays hidden most of the time, my question is how long does this phase last????
What size is he?
What size tank is he in?
Who else is he with?

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That's normal. It sometimes takes a few days for some fish to get used to their surroundings. If it's the first day, don't worry about feeding him, keep the lights off and don't bother him. Make sure the temp is warm enough and wait until tomorrow.

After the first day, do everything as you normally would and he'll come out of his shell in time. oscars love to sulk and pout. They'll do this their whole lives but later on it won't be as long and it's actually kind of cute to me.
That's normal. It sometimes takes a few days for some fish to get used to their surroundings. If it's the first day, don't worry about feeding him, keep the lights off and don't bother him. Make sure the temp is warm enough and wait until tomorrow.

After the first day, do everything as you normally would and he'll come out of his shell in time. oscars love to sulk and pout. They'll do this their whole lives but later on it won't be as long and it's actually kind of cute to me.

thanks i know itis common i was just wonering how long it would be thanks......he has only been in the tank a little less than 24 hours so i should keep the lights off for how long and it is really dark in the room does that matter???
I would keep the lights in the tank off for the 1st day is all. If it's dark in the room, that's fine and probably better for him.

Tomorrow, just do everything normally as you would so he can start getting used to your routine such as when to expect the lights on, feedings, people traffic etc.

Try feeding tomorrow and if he doesn't eat right away...which he probably won't because you may not be associated with food yet..walk away and watch him from a distance and see how he does. If he doesn't eat in 15minutes take it out and try later that night. If he doesn't eat for a few days and is still acting like this then post back tho.

It can take a day or a few days but he'll snap out of it in time.
I would keep the lights in the tank off for the 1st day is all. If it's dark in the room, that's fine and probably better for him.

Tomorrow, just do everything normally as you would so he can start getting used to your routine such as when to expect the lights on, feedings, people traffic etc.

Try feeding tomorrow and if he doesn't eat right away...which he probably won't because you may not be associated with food yet..walk away and watch him from a distance and see how he does. If he doesn't eat in 15minutes take it out and try later that night. If he doesn't eat for a few days and is still acting like this then post back tho.

It can take a day or a few days but he'll snap out of it in time.

alright thank you ill try that he was out today so i tried to feed but he wont eat cuz the food doesnt sink to the bottom and he is scared to come to the top should i get sinking food??? or let him at a feeder fish or should i just wait
I would keep the lights in the tank off for the 1st day is all. If it's dark in the room, that's fine and probably better for him.

Tomorrow, just do everything normally as you would so he can start getting used to your routine such as when to expect the lights on, feedings, people traffic etc.

Try feeding tomorrow and if he doesn't eat right away...which he probably won't because you may not be associated with food yet..walk away and watch him from a distance and see how he does. If he doesn't eat in 15minutes take it out and try later that night. If he doesn't eat for a few days and is still acting like this then post back tho.

It can take a day or a few days but he'll snap out of it in time.

alright thank you ill try that he was out today so i tried to feed but he wont eat cuz the food doesnt sink to the bottom and he is scared to come to the top should i get sinking food??? or let him at a feeder fish or should i just wait

I'd get sinking food. I'm against feeders unless absolutely needed because of the diseases and worms they may have. It would be good to have more than 1 food for him anyways.

If you want to wait him out and make him come to the top, it will probably only take another day or so. He won't starve himself.
What size of tank is he in?

I feed my two Chiclid pellets in the morning and then frozen blood worms, brine shrimp, chiclid chow, peas, prawns or mussels from the freezer at night. Depends on what pack I grab first from the freezer and I always vary it so they get a more balanced diet.

There is a good pinned Oscar thread at the top of this section but if you have any more questions feel free to PM me. There is also a specific Oscar website you might like to check out, but I don't think I'm allowed to post the link on the forum, again I can PM you this

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