oscar not eating

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Tap water with a too high ph:

Do you have a Brita filter jug or know someone who does? I tested my own water after it went through the Brita and it had greatly reduced the ph. I'm thinking, you could use one of those to bring down ph without adding any chemicals....

(I confess... I'm really worried for you. Let us know how it's going)
B.T.W, a healthy fish could go weeks without eating.. I've seen something saying 6 weeks..
Bottled water, or the gallon jugs at the store that are drinkable, which you can buy for REALLY cheap..
She's still alive. She's swimming around more, but still not eating.

Did a small water change early today with lower pH water. The pH of the tank is still good.
Have you tried adding plants and other decorations to your tank? Try giving it some live food like guppies.
Day 10, However, great news, she may of tryed to eat earlyer.

One of the live food we put in died, it had it's tail bitten off, it doesn't look like anything else really could of done it but the oscar.

We think she maybe also having trouble seeing, from the bad water exposure. Theres a light surface cloudyness on both eyes (It's not the same thing as the cloudyness the sometimes get in there eyes when they are sick or dying). The cloudyness has been there a couple days now, she can still see us tho, very easly.

She is also still moving around, not all that much. But it's a good sign.

Thanks everyone for the help.
Have you tried putting salt in yet? Mine had cloudy eye and I put salt in and it cleared up in a few hours.
Bad news. While she looked much better yesterday, today she has been sitting at the bottem (first time, so far she's been staying at the top). The cloudyness in her eye has gotten worse I think.

She was swimming around yesterday, today she's barly moving.

I will just ask one more time, Adding a little salt (how much) isn't likly to hurt her is it, despite being a freshwater tank/fish?

I was quite hopeful yesterday, Today I am not.
I've said this 3 times so far in this post and I'm only going to say it one last time: AQUARIUM SALT DOES NOT HURT OSCARS. I don't know of any ichlid it hurts. I had my red oscar in a 10g with 1 tablespoon of salt , that's onlt 1 tbsp but you get the idea,(they recommend 1 tbsp per 5g of water) for over a week and he/she is still doing fine. In fact the salt helped my oscar fight infection and recover. Add the salt slowly. Like only add 1/5th or less per hour so the fish don't become stressed. If you don't want to listen to me this time, I'm all out of ideas of what to tell you. You may have waited too long. :dunno:
I have put in so far about a little over 1/4 of a teaspoon of aquarium salt. I can't find where we wrote down the tank size. How much would you say I should put in over what time judging by the size of the tank.

I am still trying to find out the tank capacity.
that tank is possibly 90 gallons. You'll need alot more of salt then 1/4 table spoon.
dude, when my large oscar got white eye and wasnt eating i did 30% water changes everyday without fail and poured salt into the tank and i mean POURED!!
I have put 2 teaspoons in so far, In a half an hour or an hour I will put in another teaspoon which will make a tablespoon.


Based at what you tell me, for a 55gallon tank (Which is what I beleive this one is).

about 5 table spoons devided into about 1 teaspoon every 20 minutes for the next 5 hours.

And that's at most. Correct.
How big is the oscar? if he's full grown, then that tank is more then 55...

You need to put in more salt man. I'd put in about 5 tablespoon full.

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