Osaka 320l/84usg Journal

whats the best way to add Nitrate?

Edit: Mosy of the pics are gone now tiddy up my photobucket will fix soon
am not sure it was really bad but it slowly going away used to be over the plants wood ect now it just mostly on the substrate and glass at the front.
Would the UV fliter be killing the spores or something in the water?
Did pretty big maintenance today filter, 30% water. Took the fern out and the big leave plants and give the rest a good trim moves a few plants. Can see the wood much better now :)

Got some room at the back now.
Kicked a a good bit of the plant substrate into the water but it clearing now
cut off the top and it produces side shoots & bushes out.

uproot & cut off the bottom and it will grow straight up. That kit is fine.
Should I go for the dry powder or the easy life Nitro?
Also my Flourish Excel is running out would easy life easy carbo be suitable replacement?
Any other liquids ferts I should be getting?
dry powders will be cheaper, and you will know exactly how much nitrate you are adding, unless the easylife tells you so?
easycarbo is the same as excel.
as long as you have NPK & trace covered then you are fine. What are you currently dosing?
Just Flourish. I was using the free stuff that came with my subtract but ran out a while ago :/

What would you recommend using along side the easycarb?
That would replace the easycarb and the dry Potassium Nitrate I was going to buy? Might get a bottle for now then make my own

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