It's been a while since my last update, so here goes.
Mork and Mindy (Ocellaris Clownfish) still going strong, Mindy (female-i think) is the bigger boss of the tank, she has stayed the same colour whilst Mork has gone slightly darker and waits for Mindy to finish eating before he starts.
I'm down to only one snail, this has been down to Ernie the base jumper (red legged crab), he kinda like to take them out for lunch, but forgets to tell them they are lunch, I've lost 5 now. He has also taken out 1 other blue legged crab....I thought they were getting jiggey with it....but two days later he was no more (I was going to say stiff as a post....but thought better of it). He still base jumps every couple of days....mad to watch. (i'll try and chuck a vid on youtube)
Tank wise......I cant get ride of Aiptasia, I use good old Joe's jiuce just before I do a water change and suck up the remains of the critters......but give it 5 days and the blitters are back and they have if there is any fish which like to eats them....please shout out. Grass is another problem, I've got several patchs of grass which keep on a water proof lawn mower is next on the shopping list.
The Green Star Polyp......this is so cool to watch.....When i first bought it from ebay (I know before anyone shouts) it was the size of an english 50 pence's easily 3" square and growing. How can I split this? is it easy ? can I do it ? should I ?
Apart from that all is well, no additions fish wise.....I'm getting married in 4 weeks and then 3 weeks of honey moon once I'm back I'll start stocking up......I dont trust anyone else in the the less there is at the moment the my funds are going towards her....I mean our day (lol)
Thats it for the update......I'll take some piccies this weekend after the water change.