Orca Tl450 - Newbie Startup Step By Step Quest

I saw the cry for an update, so here goes.............did you see the tumble weed roll across the screen.

There has only been four additions to the tank, 2 x Baby Blue Legged crabs and 2 x Turbo snails.
Overal the tank is looking ok, the Green Star Polyop has run riot and taken over the right hand rock, it is currently sharing the rock with a red colored, twig like plant which is enjoying the light.

Clown Fish wise, they are fine, the colour varation belween the is growing each and every day, the one is alot darker, deeper orange.
They are fit and really enjoy being hand fed.

Crab wise, I do have a slight problem, my blue legged crab does not like the new additions to the tank, I put them in on Saturday morning, and ALL DAY, every day since then he's had the smalled crab in his clutches shacking him constantly. I've seperated them twice this week and like a speeding 'crab' he runs back to where the smaller one is.
I dont know if he fancies the smaller crab or feel worried that it might take over the tank.

As xmas is over, the funds are looking a bit better, what can I put in the tank next?
I really like a watchman goby and pistol / cleaning shrimp, but dont know what to go for.
Any suggestions would be great, my main plan is to create a lightly populated marine tank which looks like "Finding Nemo' - I jest, byt the Mrs wants a blue tang or something similar.
On a lighter note, I dont know if anyone has used this but for the past 3 months I've been using the Marine version of Aqua SAfe.
It's the same price as the tropical Aqua safe and works a treat. All my levels are normal.
I usually create a spare tank 1 week before I need to do a water change, test my levels and so far so good (touch wood) I've not struggled with anything.


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Not sure qhat aquasafe is to be honest.

With the hermit crabs do you have extra shells in there for them? If not I would recommend getting a load as they will fight each other for shells if there are not enough available.
You mentioned earlier about buying fish on line - iv'e bought several hard to source fish on line for my brackish tank and all have been fine - also bought at least ten female bettas on line and never lost one - so I would go ahead and order the yellow watchman goby :good:

John o, nice to see you back, where you been?

Seffie x

There are loads of shells, the problem is the larger one (looking like he's trying to shake him to death) the Blue Legged crab's 'yellow sensors' are flixking 10 to the dozen.

Reference the Aquae safe, (this is no means a plug, I've never used them but this is the item : www.clickpets.co.uk/category/fish-aquatics-aquatic-services/region/w-uk-south-east-east-sussex-brighton/MarineAquasafeTetraMarineAquasafe-2173425.html)

It's saved me so much time in travelling 20miles to the nearest (decent) LFS for RO water.

I've been about, reading and waiting for the tank to mature (plus getting married, so funds were tied else where) now I'm back it's time to build my stock up and make sure the clown fish have more friends.
In my weekly cleaning routine, when should I replace the Rowaphos in the first chamber?
I've only changed this once in the 8 months of running the tank.
Quick question if any one can help?

At the moment I've got the standard flow rate with stock pumps.
I've noticed around these forums that people have been using a Hydor Koralia Nano also for the flow.......should I get one ?

(I only have a Green Star Polyp for coral and shed loads of Aiptasia, which their numbers come and go depending on my cleaning pattern)
I have two koralia nanos. One has been running for over a year with no problems (and little maintaince) and the other one has been running a few months now (also with no problems). I did find that both of them took a week to "bed in" and in this time they had a habit of getting air build up in the housing which made them really loud. I just turned them on and off a couple of times to force the air out and they went back to normal. After that though I never hear them running.
Quick update, 2 weeks ago I added a yellow watchman goby and Cleaner shrimp to the tank.
The levels did a quick jump for 2 days just after I added the new crew to the tank, but now settled down again.

Goby has settled him self under the main rock in the middle, god knows how the hell the rock stays up with the amount of sand he's moved.
A question for the team here, whats the best way of making sure he gets planty of food?

The Cleaner shrimp shed it's skin this morning, so hopefully my levels are spot on for him to mault (I'm assumung that's a good sign). The cleaner is a mad eater, the clown's know when there will be food around as I put the thawing food on top of the tank for 5 mins (they go ape, knowing that they will be fed) The cleaner has cottoned onto this everyday pattern and he also decides that the best place to be is right under where I add the food. I try to keep a pattern going everyday (I dont know if this is a good or bad thing)

Looking forward to your thoughts

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