Orca Tl450 - Newbie Startup Step By Step Quest

Ok....after the request for some pictures, here a couple for everyone to chew on.
Over the last two days, I';ve started to get some colouring on the Live sand, a mixture of green red and brown coverings where the 'stock' light shines.

You can slo just see a couple of tube worms and "xmas tree's" they are like pom pom tree's - dont know what they are.....they look kinda cute.

Next is my cool "Blue Legged hermit crab", I only added him on Saturday morning and loves to sit on the very top LR and bath in the sun light (I aint gunna tell him it's a bulb, I'll let him be :blush: )
For some reasone, they dont feed on the sand, all day, they hang around the LR.......so that's probably why I have the algae growing as mentioned above.

Next in the gallery today is my aiptasia, she has survied two attacks from the killer syringe full of lemon juice.
My next buy from the LFS is some of Joe's juice. I hope she does not survive this attack......It is a shame really as she hides everytime I open the lid.
I wonder if she knows whats comming ? anyway, As you can see, where the light does not shine that well, I have no algae.
Finally (For now as my dinner is almost over, plus the boss is wondering whats going on).
ERNIE - I know it's a crap name for a Red legged Hermit crab, but this little guy love to base jump.
No kidding, I have seen him twice now, wonder to the edge of the LR, teater on the edge then take the plunge.
Unless he is trying to visit the marine tank in the sky, only he knows, but until that day when he actually lands on LR instead of sand he is stuck in my tank.
Everyone....meet 'Ernine the Base Jumper'

OH.....forgot to menition, it's not a good shot of the CLAM, but the deep red circle below Ernie's shell is my clam.
Usually it's open say about......1 - 2mm during the day, BUT as Ernie was on his daily climbing routine, he knocked it.
Side shot of the tank, you can see the grass algae growing on the back wall, two of the turbo snails have realised that their dinner is just sitting there so they have taken this as their home.
Overall the colours vary all over the tank, the depth of the LR is really distorted due to the glass, but I'll take a better shot tonight after my water change.

OH for the techie guys, Ill post my levels later and what salt I'm using which might be causing me greif with the Calcuim supliments.
looking good :)

The joes juice will definetly do the trick. Hermits in general are rock crabs so will not venture to far away from the LR (they are are much better scavangers then algae eaters). Both my blue legged hermits and occasional my orange legged hermit will climb up into the back sections of the tank so if they ever disappear then they are most likely in there.

With the hermits make sure you get some extra shells for them. Try and get them a fairly good selection as they tend to like to change them a lot (sometimes 5 or 6 times in as many minutes :) ). Its quite fascinating to watch them size up the shells and change into them :) Also providing them extra shells might help keep them from harrasing/killing the snails.

They also tend to fall quite a lot which doesnt hurt them but can be scary when your just sitting there and suddenly hear something clattering against the glass :)

Dont worry to much about the algae it will mostly burn itself out once the tank settles down and then the CuC should be able to take care of the rest.
(After watching the MU footy.....just hope Liverpool win tomorrow) I've got the current readings for my Tank.

Calcuim : 260
PH : 8.4
NH3/NH4 : 0.25
Nitrites : 0
Nitrates : 0
Salt Level : 1.023

With reference to adding a calcium additive, I was advised to use : Salifert All in One - Increases Alklinity and Calcium
Been adding about 3ml every 7 days (so far i've added 6ml (2week worth)- made no difference as yet)

The salt I'm using is : Tropic Marin Salt :

I've got to do a water change on Friday so I'll measure the calcium levels then, seems a shame as I have to open a new 2kg box just to see if it's good enough to use.
Any suggestions on the above levels then please shout out.
The ammonia is something to watch. I would have expected this to have been zero by now (what have the previous measurements been?) It could just be the test kit though.

I dont know anything about the salt or the additive I'm afraid so can really comment on how good either are (sure someone on here will be able to though). The calcium level is fairly low and your SG is on the low side of the spectrum as well (its in the safe range but the low end of it).

Try increasing your SG to around 1.025 Someone will correct me if I'm wrong but it seems logical that if you increase the SG (and therefore the ammount of salt mix you are putting in) the amount of calcium is going to increase as well (its chemistry though so probably not that simple :) ).

Dont increase your SG all in one go though. Best way to do it is to top off with salt water rather then RO water (probably salt water with an SG of around 1.024, again take it slow, add a little give it awhile to mix and check the SG).

I'm not sure how slowly you should alter the SG but personally I would try and raise it to 1.025 over the course of a couple of weeks (this is just a gut feeling and based on no actual facts other then rapid sg change is not good).

If you get the calcium levels to around 300-320 you should be fine (as long as you aren't keeping sps or lps corals).
Is everything OK ? :(

I decided to leave the lights off this morning stead of switching them on at 8am.
Got back from work at 5pm and WOW....I now have small traces of small sticky red slime on some of the sand.
Instead of me hopeing for the algae outbreak to die away without the light, the complete opposite has happened.

Should I be worried ?

Update......bought another tank (55litre) I've set this up in the shed, complete with a cheap heater. It's going to be my water factory.
Make my 10-20% replacement water in the shed, chuck it in the maine marine tank.

Tested my levels again today :

Calcuim : 320
PH : 8.4
NH3/NH4 : 0.25
Nitrites : 0
Nitrates : 0
Salt Level : 1.023

I know the salt levels are low, I'll bring them up slowly over the next week or two, but worried about the red algae......I've seen some piccies some where, where someone else had/has the same thing, but cant remeber if it's ok or not. I've read so many forums and cant remeber everything.

please help
Its cyno bacteria (not actualyl an algae). Fairly common in new tanks again another onme that should go away by itself as the tank settles down. You can use a small bore tube to syphon the worst of it off.
Just a quick dinner time update.
Water levels are normal, visited a different LFS last weekend and now have a best buddy. Offered me free RO water, which is a result, saves me either spending 3.50 on a barrel or 80+ notes on RO making unit.

Post man arrived today and delivered my new skimmer.....SO....I'll fit that tonight and post a quick install guide up so people can pick faults ! (cos knowing me I'll do it wrong or there will be a problem (always is with me :blush: ))

I have a secret which I'm embarresed to admit, the ebay rush kicked in and bought something which I shouldn't.
I bought a green star xenia polyp. My plea : It was a bargin, only a fiver + 2 quid delivery.
I know someone is going to shout, I've read the posts here "dont buy from ebay it's cruel" SO I'm going to sit in the corner for a bit and sulk.

I've had my water checked by the LFS and they claim it's OK for my new member BUT the tank is a little too young. So, I'm 50/50 to the idea of passing it to a friend who's tank is 3yrs old.

Tank wise, I have noticed a couple of bubble aglea's on my LR, I'm going to do a water change and try to suck them away.
LR wise - It looks mega, the crabs and snails are keeping the LR and glass clean, but the sand is still dirty. The Bristle worms are working their way around the sand and doing some of the work.
Noticed another spiky baby starfish in the corner of tank yesterday, hopefully he'll stay, ALSO I have spotted a small ball on the sand, probably about 1mm in size, bright red with yellow spikes.
It has not moved since I've spotted it but it is getting bigger (I'll try to take a piccy later, but he is tiny).

Critter wise - There must be hundreds of tiny white critters on the back wall, scurring all over the place, 2 x shrimps have taken residence in one of the holes in the LR, they are getting bigger everyday and more confident in patrolling the tank. They seem to have a brownish back with two big pincers....every now and again they jump into the flow and whizz around the tank.

Ernie is still alive, seen him base jumping again last night during the foottie (it was more interesting than the MUFC match (LOL)). he has tag teamed with the other blue legged hermit and they take turns cleaning the LR on the left hand side, if any other snails come near they are soon pushed away (in snail terms it's quite quick for snails))

Oh well, roll on skimmer fit tongiht
Gents, I really need your help.
I bought a new skimmer - WG-308.

I am concerned that it wont work and the stock skimmer might have been the better choice?
As you can see from the above picture, there are a lot of attachments to the unit, BUT none will fit.
At the bottom of the first chamber is a hole through to the 2nd chamber, the new skimmer is not long enough to poke the input hole through it. If I attempt to put attachments on, it wont fit in the chamber.

I have kept the original UV light, sponge and pump in the first chamber, this is pumping water through to the 2nd chamber and then thats it. The expression....CLUNK springs to mind.

I know it's a big request, BUT PLEASE can someone lend me a guided hand, I really would like to get the skimmer to work.

As you can see from the picture above, I am also struggling to see just how this thing is supposed to work. To get the right level seems a bit hit and miss.

I really hope someone can help, I'm glad I have not added any fish yet as the moment. :(
Gents, I really need your help.
I bought a new skimmer - WG-308.

I am concerned that it wont work and the stock skimmer might have been the better choice?
View attachment 50873
As you can see from the above picture, there are a lot of attachments to the unit, BUT none will fit.
At the bottom of the first chamber is a hole through to the 2nd chamber, the new skimmer is not long enough to poke the input hole through it. If I attempt to put attachments on, it wont fit in the chamber.

I have kept the original UV light, sponge and pump in the first chamber, this is pumping water through to the 2nd chamber and then thats it. The expression....CLUNK springs to mind.

I know it's a big request, BUT PLEASE can someone lend me a guided hand, I really would like to get the skimmer to work.

View attachment 50874
As you can see from the picture above, I am also struggling to see just how this thing is supposed to work. To get the right level seems a bit hit and miss.

I really hope someone can help, I'm glad I have not added any fish yet as the moment. :(

PM sent...btw the fish wouldn't really have been effected by having no skimmer at this stage!

For thoses who are interested, (I hope CAGEUK does not mind) here is the PM about my cry for help:
Hi Plutosmate

Looks like you got it about the same as I did. I also had to strip off all of the attachments. The input is at the bottom and it contains it's own powerhead so draws water up through the bubble thingy and collects in the cup at the top. I've found that to adjust it you have to slide the entire skimmer up and down the chamber using the sucker which I could attach to it. You will find that the collection cup is a tight fit and you have to be careful not to move the skimmer when removing and replacing the cup. If you do move it you just have to reposition. It is a minor drawback but you get used to it.

As you haven't got any fish in there at the moment then there will not be much waste to skim so you will probably get clear water. Once the tank is established and has livestock then you will see the crud that comes out of the water.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the reply, what you have suggested is the same thing I have done.

In the early posts, barneyxx mentioned that I should use Rowaphos in the 4th chamber. How often should I change this ?
I have only used about 1/3rd of the 100g container in a media bag.

My levels are the right amount, but as the unit is so small I'd rather know in advance than leave it too late.
For thoses who are interested, (I hope CAGEUK does not mind) here is the PM about my cry for help:
Hi Plutosmate

Looks like you got it about the same as I did. I also had to strip off all of the attachments. The input is at the bottom and it contains it's own powerhead so draws water up through the bubble thingy and collects in the cup at the top. I've found that to adjust it you have to slide the entire skimmer up and down the chamber using the sucker which I could attach to it. You will find that the collection cup is a tight fit and you have to be careful not to move the skimmer when removing and replacing the cup. If you do move it you just have to reposition. It is a minor drawback but you get used to it.

As you haven't got any fish in there at the moment then there will not be much waste to skim so you will probably get clear water. Once the tank is established and has livestock then you will see the crud that comes out of the water.

Hope that helps!

No probs, hope it helped!
Thanks for the reply, what you have suggested is the same thing I have done.

In the early posts, barneyxx mentioned that I should use Rowaphos in the 4th chamber. How often should I change this ?
I have only used about 1/3rd of the 100g container in a media bag.

My levels are the right amount, but as the unit is so small I'd rather know in advance than leave it too late.

I don't use Rowaphos in my Orca but I have just put some in my D&D. There doesn't seem to be a specified period you just have to be vigilant when checking your Phosphate levels. The instructions note that when your levels start to rise then the granules are saturated and it's time to change it. The time period will depend on how much Phosphate is produced by your setup.

My Orcas been running for about 3 months and the phosphate is fine so while I can get away with it I won't use it.

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