Orca Tl450 Nano Reef Log

Water readings the same today.

Went down with the torch and noticed lots of tiny little critters darting over some rocks & sand. Not sure what they are! They are about 2/3 mm long, sort of see through and with a pair of antenae about as long as their bodies!

Also found a very small baby snail and some sort of tiny smooth worm which was reaching out of a rock and feeling about.
That the start of your pod culture, copepods,etc...the worm is probably a peanut worm from that description, again a harmless grazer and a nice addition to your new eco system.....
That the start of your pod culture, copepods,etc...the worm is probably a peanut worm from that description, again a harmless grazer and a nice addition to your new eco system.....

Great to see all that life just erupt. Quite a few copepods on the glass, and now these things on the rocks.
What function do these critters have? Other than being fish food! lol
Its fun, isn't it. You watch then all of a sudden life erupts :hyper: Great fun. I have got the go ahead for a bigger tank, but won't be till next year. But here's hoping for you. Weddings are expensive,maybe a tank as a wedding gift :blink:
Its fun, isn't it. You watch then all of a sudden life erupts :hyper: Great fun. I have got the go ahead for a bigger tank, but won't be till next year. But here's hoping for you. Weddings are expensive,maybe a tank as a wedding gift :blink:

Now that is a great idea! Will have to start dropping hints... ;)

One of the hermit crabs shed last night. I came down in the morning and thought he was dead, only to find him still in his shell. I have set a trap for the crab, but not sure what to do with him. I went to one LFS and they said they wouldn't take it, so might try another. Don't want to kill it.
By the way, was at my local LFS yesterday and they had some "Striped" or "Halloween" hermits there. Amazing colors, but are they suitable for a nano reef?
I have a halloween one in mine. Seems to work OK with the others. Once every two week I treat them to a crab trat :hyper: He stomps everywhere & great to watch.
I have a halloween one in mine. Seems to work OK with the others. Once every two week I treat them to a crab trat :hyper: He stomps everywhere & great to watch.

Hmm...might think about getting one of them so. Still haven't decided what fish to get though.....
They are cool. I have a Halloween, Blue Knuckle, another one & 3 small blue legs. There is a mixture of thought as to whether you should really mix. I believe it all depends on luck.

I will be getting an Emerald crab soon as well.
They are cool. I have a Halloween, Blue Knuckle, another one & 3 small blue legs. There is a mixture of thought as to whether you should really mix. I believe it all depends on luck.

I will be getting an Emerald crab soon as well.

Yeah, I've read differing views on mixing them. The hitchhiker crab didn't fall for my trap last night, will just have to keep trying! My bumblebee snail is back though, he must have just hidden for a while.
Did a 25% water change yesterday evening, also added a Koralia Nano 1 for better flow.
I went down with the torch (my new favourite thing to do!) about 3 hours after lights out and the crab was out wandering. Also noticed tonnes of "pods", including one pretty big amphipod swimming around the rocks......by big I mean in relation to the other tiny pods in the tank. It was probably about 6-7 mm in length. Another critter (about 3-4 mm) in length was swimming around the tank and sort of looked like a shrimp.......

My fiancee keeps asking me "when are we getting fish?"........lol and she keeps saying she feels sorry for the hitchhiker crab, and that is isn't his fault he could be a nuisance....
Say to her if you had a bigger tank you could keep the crab in the smaller one :shifty:

lol......I doubt it would work!

I said to her that I might have to flush him, and she said "no you can't do that. Can you not put him in the back garden?"........ :crazy: I laughed and said "he can't live in the garden" and she said "but maybe the crows will eat him"

So for some reason she think the crows eating it would be better than being flushed........
Finally got my tripod back so can take some better pics (although the curved front on the tank is a pain for taking pictures)
Also saw what my crab is capable of. Was watching the tank and one of my turbo snails was crossing a gap from one rock to another, next thing I see it sort of rocking about, so I look more closely and there is a claw sticking out from under the rock trying to grab my snail!!!
I quickly picked up the snail and moved him. I have set the trap again, with some white fish as bait - hopefully I can catch him soon.

Anyway, a couple of pics:
You can see one of the hermits peeking out from the back:

My hitchhiker clove polyps:
I have been doing more research on possible fish for my nano, and considering the Bicolor Blenny. General consensus seems to be they are good for nanos & have a great personality. Drawbacks being they may cause trouble for similar fish/colors and can nip at corals.

Thoughts or experiences? :)

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