Fish Crazy
Will keep an eye on the ammonia and get a water check at my lfs.
Will keep an eye on the ammonia and get a water check at my lfs.
The unidentified coral is greenstar polyp. It is pretty undemanding and once it gets going grows really quickly encrusting over rocks. It can get a bit of a pain later on when it starts overgrowing other corals but its very easy to frag and cut it back.
With the CUC. Personally I would say dont get any hermits. They are great fun to watch but in my experience they dont do well with snails, especially in smaller tanks. I would say the CUC you have now is probably enough. If you find after the cycle has finished and everything has settled down for awhile that you still have algae or detris issues then look to get a few more snails (I prefer cerith and nassarius snails).
Edit: actually looking at the photos again, the polyps do look like GSP but I normally that have a purple colour "mat" that they grow out from and I cant see that in the picture. Still pretty sure its greenstar polyps though.
Yeah actually could be some kind of clove polyps, nice free coral frag either way.
Looking well Dave...hope you're not to attached to your crab though..I'd have that guy outta there before he gets much bigger..your snails and any corals bought could mysteriously disappear with that guy in there..
would prefer to use white fish or prawn myself as bait but that should work, or a glass angled into the sand can even work.....bacon a bit too oily..
Got it in one Dave...UPGRADE<UPGRADE<UPGRADE..lol