Orange Stripe Eggs.....


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
just went to give my cory tank a water change and found the fish going absolutley nuts in the tank..... looked again and i have about 40 eggs scattered about the tank and shes still laying them as i type :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: what a sight! im well chuffed :D :D :D
i really hope so. thing is im unsure what to do with them its a species tank so no other fish to eat the eggs but corys... should i take them out or leave them in?????? i could put them in a floating tub or something but when do i do it? shes still laying
just put most of the eggs in one of those breeder net things and put it next to the air filter in the same tank, i left about 15 eggs in the tank on the glass as theyre a bit difficult to get to and see what happens...... fingers crossed :crazy:
thanks guys, ill post some pics tomorrow and keep you updated how they get on :good: these are my first eggs so its trial and error this time.....
Hi mattlee :)

I'm delighted to hear your news. I've always wanted to raise some of those fry but never got eggs from mine. Best of luck with them. :D
Hi mattlee :)

I'm delighted to hear your news. I've always wanted to raise some of those fry but never got eggs from mine. Best of luck with them. :D
thanks inchworm :good: do you have any tips for me on raising the fry if they get that far or even while theyre still eggs....
im not sure the eggs are getting enough water circulation as i wasnt prepared for this! they are in a breeding net next to the air filter with another air line inside the net but ive no stone on the end as i couldnt find one last night. my problem is that the net is so fine that the air doesnt seem to get through :unsure:
Wow! Thats brilliant news, i'm over the moon for you. Good luck hatching them, i'm sure they will be fine in there. They are going to be some gorgeous fry.
Hi mattlee :)

They should be OK as long as there is water flowing over them. The airline will do the trick. Better get another tank set up for them fast. :D
Hows the eggs doing matt? :)
ok i think :unsure: how should they look? are they the same as angel eggs, if they go white they are no fertile? i cant really see at the minute as the lights are off..... ill check and report back later :good:
I found if they went really white opaque they didnt hatch, if they have a amber/tan hint then usually good, should start to see black/brown dots to develop (only had one batch but this is how I found them and from reading various resources) hopefully experts will come to aid soon!
The eggs will look a beige colour if they're fertile with a dark centre of the embryo growing,have a look at my recent thread it shows the eggs that look fertile :)

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