Orange Spawn

wuvmybetta said:
Deep down I've kinda always wanted to send you one of the orange plakats...
I would love a wuv plakat of any color...( :wub:

Whoot-whoot, how exciting! Can't wait to see the babies... :wub:
ooo you suck kelly, every spawn you try is always a sucess

way to go! :kana:
pffft...such first timers.

Here we are daaays later and they're just now embracing...and BOTH are torn to bits.
yay more babies, i know i havent posted or even looked at the site in weeks but i always get so excited when thiers more babies coming from kelly. :flex:
wuvmybetta said:
pffft...such first timers.

Here we are daaays later and they're just now embracing...and BOTH are torn to bits.
:sad: How bad are they?
GP said:
wuvmybetta said:
pffft...such first timers.

Here we are daaays later and they're just now embracing...and BOTH are torn to bits.
:sad: How bad are they?
Very. But they're acting fine. Just... :crazy: to look at.

Anyway, I pulled out. The female was trying and trying and the male was acting just like his father used to. Not really sure about how to embrace correctly and the female became frustrated with waiting on her side while he wagged against her and she pretty much shredded him this afternoon. After hearing horror stories this weekend about man killin' females I just went ahead and pulled the plug.
Maybe its the cursed of the Orangies? :rolleyes:

Dad wasnt a good father till the 9th tried right?
Thanks cc, I guess I'm ok with it. I have to be.

Joker~ I honestly believe they are cursed :rolleyes: Well,not cursed but they're really,really difficult. I worked sooo hard with their father and I refused to breed any other fish until I got fry out of him.

So now is decision time. I have many options. I could
A) Try another male and take the risk of having another boy & girl get torn to bits
B ) Try this male again and hope repitition does the trick the same as it did for dad
C)Try and condition dad and put him back in the saddle,this time with one of his daughters

C's a longshot,it has been over 8 months since he spawned.
aww that sucks :( better luck next time :nod:

choose C :nod:
Sorry to hear this Kelly...I've had the same problem the last few months, males who just don't want to embrace or can't get it right and the females get frustrated and rip him up in retalition, Lol.

Personally I'd do choice A (the unpopular choice, haha). I try to not get worried about the pairs getting torn up, breeding Bettas isn't for the faint of heart. Either your fish are for breeding, or they're not, if they are then you just have to take that chance. Most times they'll heal up fine anyway. I've currently got some pretty messed up looking reds after failed and successful spawn attempts, but I kept trying and finally got the success spawn. I may have 4 or 5 messed up looking adults now, but I've also got 200+ babies growing up :hyper:

True Linda...but..

I only have about 8 males left and I have,have,haave to have them for show the next couple of months. I really can't afford to sacrifice another one. Or can I? -_-

But it could happen,I'm still very undecided. :unsure: I suppose I could show the boys and bring them back home rather than auction them. And then I can focus on orange fry over the winter.

cation~ C does sound good on the surface. It could very well be done. But my old man is just that...old and lazy these days. But a fling may be just what he needs to feel young again. Hmm, decisions,decisions.

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