Online Store Name

its hard work setting up a customer base and even harder to maintain it, I work 7 days a week at a final hour value of 94 per week, i get up at 8am work at 9am checking emails ect...before going into work, then its a combination of internet, general in store duties, paperwork, customers etc...etc....etc.... till 6pm, 30 mins drive home (thats if im not going to visit dusky and her mass of fish tanks :blink: ), and when i get home eventually I work till 2am sometimes then its back up at 8am, all this over the 7 days a week, even when i get days out of the shop im either on the net looking for products, at competitors shops pretending to be a customer :hey: or doing paperwork again, it's never ending but very rewarding, not as to say i've got loads of money but it's just the way i've worked for many years no matter what job i did, it's just better now as I only have to asnwer to the tax man and the licensing board and not some jumped up area manager who is just out for their 6 monthly bonus and use me to get it.

Remember that it's 95% marketing at all times and this is the hardest of all to do, sometimes it fails and sometimes it wins.
Wet & Wild...The name brings them in, the reality of the site lets them down.

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