Online Aquarium Store


Fish Maniac
May 1, 2008
Reaction score
So ordered a tank off this site last week, so far, not a word from them, tried emailing, tried calling - no answer, even tried their live support, again no one answers. Getting annoyed with them now, so anyone else used them?
I have heard they can take months if they have to backorder.

They also seem to be a bit shady - hiding behind an 0870 number, hiding contact details on their domain and even hiding contact details on their website (replacing names with Post Manager).

Their physical shop (Hayling Island Aquatics) has its own website, giving an alternative contact number: 0845 2591405

If you have no luck with any of those give Chris Wilson a ring on 01932232260 - he seems to be linked to Hayling Island Aquatics.
hmmm, buying another tank hey ?? :hey: :lol:
thats a bummer eh, when you order something and cant get hold of them to confirm it
Yep another tank :) This is the last unti the upgrade to the 160g next year honestly!

Well no reply from that number either - Ive opened a paypal dispute with them - I need this tank by tuesday next week so if its not here by then, Ive gotta got out and find one, every other tank ive ordered online has arrived within 2/3 days, should have stuck with the site i normally use!!!
funny you mention them as I have a tank coming tomorrow from them lol They rang me up today and said that the tank was being delivered tomorrow and to make sure someone would be in etc. Will have been 4 days since i ordered far they seem fine. Ill let you know tomorrow if the tanks in good nick lol, its a rekord 120 and I got it off them for 124.06 delivered which was the cheapest I could get it anywhere!
Ah then at least there is someone alive at their end :D There is hope yet.
I take it back..their crap!I just got a call again from good old Nigel..apparently there wasnt enough room on the van for my tank and some others so my tank wont be with me till tues!!its stupid..get another van there!! :grr:
It's funny this should come up because i was going to order some bits and pieces from them. However, i decided to get in touch with them first through their ticketing system and make a couple of inquiries... they didn't reply to my questions. :unsure: I didn't bother ordering anything after that; i wasn't prepared to take the risk.
Im losing all hope now, shall escalate my PP dispute, go out and buy a tank - if Nigel rings you again, ask him to flaming well call me!!!! :lol:
i ordered a Clearseal 48" X 18" X 15" from them it took about four weeks to get to me :< . and the delivery man dragged the pallet across the ground and chipped the tank :crazy:. but lucky it was only a very small chip and it does not leak. if you try and phone it just rings and rings.

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