Oneonion's First Fishless Cycle

Yup, "percentage" changes don't really have much meaning during fishless cycling, its better to just change the largest amount practical. For me that means changing all the way down (about 90%) until if I went any lower I would let air get into my external cannister intake (I'm too lazy to turn it off usually during a water change, so it just makes a nice waterfall out the spraybar while I'm changing. Of course, heater needs to be unplugged if its going to be uncovered.)

If the tap water will then raise the pH up to a pretty good level (something higher than 7) then that's probably a good enough method without introducing baking soda, but of course baking soda can also be used. Its unknown whether the kickstart a stalled fishless cycle can sometimes get from a water change is totally due to the raising of pH or whether there might be other factors at play. Adding fresh tap water does add a little calcium and iron, both of which are known to be used by the autotrophs, but levels needed are not known other than "trace."

For some reason, in the last few days, ammonia isn't going down to 0 now. Does anyone know why?
Well, you did a water change and that can get things "off" for a bit. Sometimes things just pause a little but they will get back on track pretty rapidly. Also, in the latter stages (usually not this soon, but in the 3rd phase after the nitrite spike has ended) its sometimes unpredictable whether it will be ammonia or nitrite that's not quite getting down to zero ppm, and that's even after ammonia has clearly been getting to true zero for many weeks. Don't know why that is but we do see it and in the end it doesn't seem to harm anything.

Hmm, I have a problem here. Some plants that my mom bought me for christmas are coming in in about 2 days, and my cycle isn't nearly finished! I planned for the cycle to be finished sooner, but I was wrong. How would I add the plants now, without getting an algae breakout because of the light and ammonia? Can I keep them in temporary buckets with an air stone so they won't mold? They're pretty expensive plants, so I don't want to lose them :crazy: . Help please.

EDIT: Oh yeah, how much time would you say I have left before the cycle's finished? I know you can't find the exact time, but in a normal cycle, generally at this point, how far in am I? Halfway? More than half?
I would try putting the plants into a plastic container with some water and set it up in a sunny spot while you finish cycling the tank. A drop or two of ammonia in the container and the plant will consider its nitrogen needs met.
Alright. I got my Aquaclear 20 today. The filter media from the old filter doesn't fit into it. How long do I have to keep both filters running? The hood doesn't fit with both filters on tank, so thats problem. Also there's dusty stuff like dust bunnies in the tank floating around and on the sand. What is it?
I can't say what your dust bunnies are. If you can't fit the media into the new filter in any way, you can use the other option and just clean your old filter in the new tank. That transfers a reasonably large number of the bacteria into the new filter. I have found it possible to grow that start into a fully functional filter in under a week almost every time.
I'm leaving for 2.5 days right now, so I added 4 PPM ammonia. Hopefully it won't affect the cycle too much.
I just got back. The plants I odered arrived! Hopefully they weren't out in the cold too long. They look fine, except for one Java fern. Anyway, just saying I'm back.
Java ferns will come back from being pretty bad. Of course its ideal to attach them to something (like wood with superglue) but if you have to anchor them in the substrate just let the rhizome not touch the substrate. It can be anchored by some of the thin little roots going down. It may take months for it to come back in a large way but eventually it should.

UPDATES. Sorry I didn't reply earlier. Anyway, it's been pretty crazy since I got back from the 2-ish day vacation... I guess it affected the cycle more than I expected. Hopefully it will get back on track soon, though!

Anyway, the plants were, like previously advised, put in a tub with a light on. However, after a few days they weren't doing so well. The anubias and vallis that once looked AWESOME were starting to turn brown and peel. So, I decided to temporarily plant them in my 5 gallon, with my shrimp and betta. It turned out looking AWESOME. The shrimp are swimming around more now, feeling more secure, and the betta lies down on the HC like a bed. And there was exactly enough! Not too much, not too little. So I've decided to leave the plants in there PERMANENTLY because it looks so good. I'll buy more once the cycle's done, which will probably be close to my birthday anyway :lol: .

Anyway, as previously stated I went on a 2-ish day vacation. I went to my cousin's house and saw their big tank, and decided to change my stocking COMPLETELY. Here it is. I'd like to know if it's overstocked, please.

2 Honey Gouramis
3 Platies
5 Pristella Tetras

If it's too overstocked, I could make it one honey gourami(I just thought they'd like to have company) and if it's WAY too overstocked, I'll make it one honey gourami and 2 platies. Thanks for reading!
Bump. I'd like to know if the stocking of

2 honey gouramis
3 platys
5 pristella tetras

would be overstocked. Thanks!
Hi OO, I'm not great with remembering the max sizes but that looks technically overstocked for a 10G, maybe some others will comment...


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