One Cloudy Eye And White Growth On The Body

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Nov 11, 2014
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He's also lost colour, any idea what this could be? In the past he had growths near his mouth but I think they were harmless as they went away on their own.
Hi there! firstly may I say how sorry I am that your fish is in this condition, it happens to everyone at some point so don't feel bad. Ok, so i'll start with the cloudy eyes. There are actually quite a few different possible causes of the cloudy eyes I believe. One possible cause is internal parasites, such as protozoa or even flukes I think. The second cause that I am personally aware of is a lack of vitamin A I believe. Although its probably best to have a second opinion on that one. The vitamin A generally comes from having a varied diet. And the final, and most common cause I believe is poor water quality. What are your water paramaters like? It would really help us if we knew your Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite and PH levels are. I feel like im leaving something out there

And have you done anything to adjust the ph, to lower it in particular? Although I am aware that rams need a low ph. Because if im not mistaken then when the ph drops considerably it can quite easily lead to the cloud eyes unfortunately. And would you say that your tank is overstocked? Because in an aquarium with a massive bioload acid is produced from the biofiltration just in case you didn't know. This in turn leads to the overall ph dropping. Also what's your maintenance routine? All of this information would be extremely helpful if you can provide. In my opinion, I'm going to guess its the water conditions (not criticising your fishkeeping skills here). If that isn't the issue then I would say it is possibly internal parasites. Alternatively, it could be a cataract? Is it only the one fish that has it? If so it could well be a cataract.
As for the white growth... is it fuzzy or fluffy in any way? My monitor on my pc is cracked so I cant really see
 Really not sure on the growth in all honesty...
Sorry if this is a bit all over the place, had so much to say ^.^
It is a mature tank with ammonia and nitritite at 0ppm, and I keep nitrates around 10-20ppm with ~25% water changes every 3-4 days. The pH is a little high for ram cichlids but after doing research I've decided not to fight with it because they've been doing fine as it remains stable.

Thinking this could possibly have stemmed from stress when I moved three months ago? Possibly affected his immune system?

After doing a little research I think I'm going to try API Pimafix and Melafix, let me know what you think!
yes I think it is definitely a possibility that it is because they got stressed from being moved. However I feel like these symptoms would have come up sooner than this. Secondly, please do take into consideration a cataract. If its only one fish that has it then it could well be a genetic thing, rather than a disease or infection. Your water quality seems pristine so I'm really not sure to he honest. And if we do come to the conclusion that parasites are to blame here then I think you have made the right decision to dose with melafix and primafix.

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