
If what to pass on who u got them from then your welcome to, I know quite a few oh the wholesalers and had always expressed my passion as not to stock these fish.

The wholesalers cant stop the fish coming in all the time, as the farmers will send them if their out of stock as to replace something, so the wholesalers are not the problem. It's what to do with them once there here.

PFK and us hobbiests are doing our best to clear these fish, and I'm happy to hear that your be no longer selling these fish, thank you.
Nice one. Of course it has absolutely NOTHING to do with who he buys them from, but a good thing is that he appears that he won't be getting any more!

Great work mate, keep it up. I love it when people loose thier rags. :rolleyes:

Power to the people :band:

Lets keep educating anyone selling these poor fish and those that choose to buy them
Power to the people :band:

Lets keep bombarding anyone selling these poor fish and those that choose to buy them

I'm sorry by No we are going to bombarding anyone, we are only informing them.
But if more than one person decids to do this then how can we stop it ;)
you take it form its tank, throw it on a rag or cloth or w/e, stab it repetadley with a needle, and throw it back in the tank.
Or so I've been told...
you take it form its tank, throw it on a rag or cloth or w/e, stab it repetadley with a needle, and throw it back in the tank.
Or so I've been told...

There's a bit more to it than that lol, but basically that is what is done. It's aweful!!! Also, more than 80% of the fish dyed die before actually reaching your lfs. For instance if the supplier provided an lfs with 20 dyed fish, at least 80 died from the process. Not including the complications that the ones that live through the poking and prodding dieing form stress from it.
yup those are dyed. the dye wears off in six months to a year then they go back to their natural color. they are now laser tatooing these fish too its permenant. the ones i seen say i love you. the words i and love r in purple and the heart is pink.
I agree that the dyeing of fish is a disgusting practice.

But nothing can really be done to stop it as long as there is a demand, unfortunately the seller here is right. He knows the industry, he knows there is a demand, and his morals (or lack there of) allow him to sell those tortured fish.

I think it was right of you guys to inform the seller of the situation regarding thsoe particular fish, if he had not known already. And purhaps suggesting that he lable teh fish as dyed would have been nice too. But i dout harassing this individual will do any more than piss him off.

Do u know that this practice of selling dyed fish is annoying to most of the general hobbiests ant there and were all hopeing that these fish will be banned for being sold ASAP.

If i were said seller in question (though id never sell dyed fish), id be quite upset that somone would approach me about my merchandise in such an informal fashion as you have (if that is indeed the message you sent to him.) This is by no means a personal attack or anything; but in teh future it would prove more effective to write a gramatically correct response to a seller's auction. This is what likely provoked his less than friendly response.

BTW, this post in is no way gramatically correct either; i am aware. Were it formal, it would be.

Well the good thing about that is that im from America (no disrespect intended). saying what i want and pissing people off for selling died fish is a givin right as a American Citizen!"

I love it!

What we need to do is creat a universal e-mail which every one can copy and post to every online auction seen of these fish.

Makeing it's polite and saying that they should alter their text to state that these are man made fish and are ingected or lazor dyed and the colour will fade over time.

So let get it done.

Im all about that! when does it go into effect?
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I've been watching these fish for a while now and the sell's ahve stoped here in th UK untill some decide to do it again.

As for the "universal e-mail" to copy and past has had no work done to it as I'm to busy with work ATM but we should all help and then creat a template from all the sugestions.
somefinfishy1962 on ebay was not happy i had contacted his buyers pointing out that he had not informed them oh the practice.


I just asked what i had done wrong.

keep your nose out of my buisness,

Talking to my buyers telling them im a hoax and that my discription is totaly wrong!

So i kindly pointed out to him that i had done nothing wronge as to eBay rule's and that i felt he had given false advertising and if he wanted to complain about myself to eBay I'll happily help out.

no it is not breaking any rules!

And it is none of your buisness at the end of the day,

it does NOT say dont sell coloured fish and I am not ordering anymore anyway if you want to report me to my buyers y not report the person I bought them from?

My response yet to come, but i feel like we have won this one as well :)

He was nice to you, he sent me a few more choice words! Oh well, on to the next cruel fish seller :shifty:
PoPoV please PM me those responses from him. I love seeing the drama from a fool being corrected and still refuseing to listen. You did all the things right, he just is a... well... I can't say it on the open boards, but you get the point ;).

P.S. Don't edit them out if you do PM them, I like the juicy stuff :lol:
I really would as i think it is quit a funny. But givin the seriousness of the situation, I think it would be a little bit inapropriate to pm around this guys angry message. Even though he is selling died fish and deserves to be ridicueled/educated, I still think its a little wrong to go passing his messages around. Am i right or wrong? :unsure:
I just think its great what all of you have done! I just got done reading this thread and its people like all of you that change history and laws etc... Your courage and your refusal to sit around and do nothing speaks very highly of your character. I am semi-new still but will be willing to help too! I live in the U.S., is that practice legal here as well? That makes me sick and i am willing to do something about :good: :good: :good:

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