come on blueice, you can tell me this kid has some sort of an idea when he goes ahead and puts these fish in such a small tank and then writes back to the guys saying thanks for the advise and its the best website ever?
Vip said:
come on blueice, you can tell me this kid has some sort of an idea when he goes ahead and puts these fish in such a small tank and then writes back to the guys saying thanks for the advise and its the best website ever?
As I have pointed out MANY times in this thread. I believe it is a typo.I think he meant a 125...NOT 25.

First tell me have you ever seen a 25?

Unless someone can figure out how to contact this kid and find out the true tank size...and the size of each fish...

there is no point in guessing,assuming,putting him or the site down.
True, but there are many differnt tank size's just remember, look at one of mine, i have a 79g witch was custom made, so you never know. Plus, if his mom has a 45g why would her son have a larger tank than her, just my opinion on why i dont think its a typo
Vip said:
True, but there are many differnt tank size's just remember, look at one of mine, i have a 79g witch was custom made, so you never know. Plus, if his mom has a 45g why would her son have a larger tank than her, just my opinion on why i dont think its a typo

That's true,it could be a custom tank. There could be a dozen reasons why the mother wanted a smaller tank and her son wanted a larger. There certainly is no reason that it can't be that way.

Another point,perhaps the person responding to this kid was the one who gave to original advice and KNOWS he meant a 125.

We don't know anything for certain...and I think putting either of them down at this point is immature and just wrong. I actually can't believe this site allows posting to bash another site and/ or individuals.

Of course if there was a way to contact and help this kid,that would be wonderful.But to post links and trash the reps of both him and the site...really makes the people here and this site look bad in my opinion.

Had this thread started out as ,

"look at this letter and the reply...what do you all think? Was it a typo? Is this child uneducated in fish keeping? Is there any way we can post/email and offer some help or at least find out the true facts"

That would have been a great way to educate all of us....yes I mean ALL...
personally if I were that kids parents and that were the fish he wanted I would make sure that he has the tank needed, be it larger than my own or not, to attack people with out their side of the story first seems to be a common trait of more than one person on this forum and it is rediculus to think otherwise. and I will even venture to guess the response of people to this as being we are always here to help, if the kid had just done a bit of research we would of told him that he needs a bigger tank..... and all that garbage, the fact is that people would raither think that they are right, however to continue on this course on this thread is neither benifical to the 14 year old or harmful to him as he will in all likelyhood never see it, so then it comes down to what are we arguing about? answer nothing. there is nothing benifical to the continued presence of this thread on TFF, and it should be closed.

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