Even if they are juvies the tank is still to small for them. I think i got pissed off in the right way because these guys didnt say anything to him about when the fish grow up how big they are going to be or anything, this is a typical LFS, money means more than anything to them so all they want is his cash and judging by what they wrote they dont want to give help.

here's a suggestion...
if you REALLY think that kid meant a 25 and really think the site ignored it purposely...

Instead of going off half-cocked and full of yourself...
try being calm and rational...point out the possible typo...nicely educate the kid...ASK...instead of ASSume...

All this assinine behaviour is doing it making a fool out of the person with the bad serves no purpose,does NO good...

Site owners don't listen or reply to loudmouthed idiots...
and that kid certainly will learn NOTHING this way.
Vip said:
Even if they are juvies the tank is still to small for them. I think i got pissed off in the right way because these guys didnt say anything to him about when the fish grow up how big they are going to be or anything, this is a typical LFS, money means more than anything to them so all they want is his cash and judging by what they wrote they dont want to give help.
a 125 certainly would NOT be to small if they were all say 2-3 inches ;)

you simply do NOT know their sizes or if he made a typo.
Well then how long do you think a 125 will last with these guys in it
1 Pacu, 2 Oscars, 3 Black Cichlids, and 1 Silver Needle Nose Gar.
couple of months? then what poor kid wondering why his fish are dying or getting sick all the time? The point of it is, these guys are after the poor kids back pocket and dont care what happens months down the track.
Vip said:
Well then how long do you think a 125 will last with these guys in it
1 Pacu, 2 Oscars, 3 Black Cichlids, and 1 Silver Needle Nose Gar.
couple of months? then what poor kid wondering why his fish are dying or getting sick all the time? The point of it is, these guys are after the poor kids back pocket and dont care what happens months down the track.
the point is neither of us know how long he intends to keep those fish in the current tank...neither of us know how big the tank REALLY is...

so unless you wish to take the time to find out and then also take the time to teach this kid how to care for his're no better then the person who already responded to him and your anger serves no useful purpose.

Think whatever you want. I've seen your attitude in more than one thread, and really, its a waste of effort to try to convince you to drop your opinion. And also, if you are so kind to the kid, why are you here arguing and not there helping this kid out?

Phantom Thief said:

Think whatever you want. I've seen your attitude in more than one thread, and really, its a waste of effort to try to convince you to drop your opinion. And also, if you are so kind to the kid, why are you here arguing and not there helping this kid out?

my attitude? lol
you mean trying to show people that half-cocked baseless anger helps no one is a bad thing? wow...

as far as me helping the kid...
first of all there was no site posted...
secondly- i don't keep those types of fish,so i can't give advice on them :) anyone who would give advice on fish they've never kept is doing more harm then good.
I would read your posts full of calling the people here idiots and wonder who is the one who needs showing how half-cocked baseless anger helps no one. And also spoils a thread.

Phantom Thief said:
I would read your posts full of calling the people here idiots and wonder who is the one who needs showing how half-cocked baseless anger helps no one. And also spoils a thread.

read in a new light then...i stated that if a person were to go off half-cocked and full of anger they simply make themselves look like idiots...
i did not call anyone anything..i pointed out what they would look like if they did as they claimed they were going to do... :)
Um, risking a possible jump in the fire, but oh what the hey.... First, maybe it was a typo, maybe the kid's parents have kept fish before, maybe they have huge tanks they are going to move them into then, or maybe they have know idea of what's going on.... either way jumping down the throat of the people at the website isn't going to help. Maybe it was some poor new guy at the place that had to answer emails and he didn't know anything about fish... or maybe they've heard from these people before and know they have bigger tanks for them.... the thing is you just don't know. So email the kid and calmly explain what you found, and then tell them the info about the fish. Then calmly email the company and tell them the same thing, but calling them names and telling them they are heartless and greedy isn't going to do a damn thing, and everyone who takes a minute to think about it knows it.
Site owners don't listen or reply to loudmouthed idiots

That was what you said. So everyone who said they emailed the website and did what they said are idiots. And considering they might email them, then they are idiots?

Also, why on earth would they be loud-mouthed idiots? What if they emailed politely to point out the mistake? They said they would complain, not cuss.

Phantom Thief said:
Site owners don't listen or reply to loudmouthed idiots

That was what you said. So everyone who said they emailed the website and did what they said are idiots. And considering they might email them, then they are idiots?

Also, why on earth would they be loud-mouthed idiots? What if they emailed politely to point out the mistake? They said they would complain, not cuss.

You're correct,they don't listen to people like that.
I see not ONE calm response concerning the site owners here.NOT one....
Not one that was going to ask a question and not assume...only outrage and demands and ,now i'm in a bad mood and blah blah blah...

So...if anyone did email them in a fit of anger...yes,I would call them idiots.
I think i am seeing your point of view. But i'm on the fence. I think it is safe to assume. If, and only if, you assume, would you bother to take action about it. But i do agree that perhaps we shouldnt be so POed.

Phantom Thief said:
I think i am seeing your point of view. But i'm on the fence. I think it is safe to assume. If, and only if, you assume, would you bother to take action about it. But i do agree that perhaps we shouldnt be so POed.

Excellent....and that is my point...don't assume and don't use anger.

If it concerns a person,they should calmly,rationally email the site owner and/or the kid and ask some questions.They might just find out there is no reason for concern,or anger.

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