Excellent....and that is my point....... (snip) don't use anger.

If it concerns a person,they should calmly,rationally email the site owner and/or the kid and ask some questions.They might just find out there is no reason for concern,or anger. [/quote]
This is the first time I have jumped into a hot discussion like this. Warning, this is just my opinion. With that and $.50 you can get yourself a cup of coffee (a very small cup :rolleyes: )

There's an old saying, "You can catch a lot more flies with honey than with vinegar." I think that this is all BlueIce is saying.

Enjoy the rest of your day.
I was hoping that this thread would just disappear on its own, but since it has not I think it's time for some Mod intervention. :eek:

Has it occurred to anyone here that while you are posting about being helpful to someone and having manners, etc., no one has bothered to post a link to the site in question? I don't think that would have been a lot to ask for. :no: It would have been a very helpful thing for any other members who would like to join in. :nod:

If this thread turns around and more members want to continue it, I'll leave it open. But, if it continues to be a dialog between members, that should really have taken place by PMs, I'll come back and close it.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Ok folks, take a step back and look at the original post for a second.

He said "GREAT WEBSITE" - nothing about the store, etc. If this company is anything like most other companies or stores, chances are they do NOT have an in-house department to build their website. Knowing from experience (I do websites both on the side and at work for our clients...) most companies, especially smaller ones, HIRE another company - who may or may not be experienced in their particular field - to do the web-programming and design for them.

That being the case, if you look back at the original post, the user's comments were praising the site, not the store. As such, the response was most likely from the web-master, not the store. Just keep that in mind before you dismiss a store completely.
Becca said:
He said "GREAT WEBSITE" - nothing about the store, etc.  If
Eh? If someone is praising this forum like "Great Forum", do you think (s)he means - nice looking, well design forum or all the informationand help it gives??

the user's comments were praising the site, not the store.  As such, the response was most likely from the web-master, not the store.  Just keep that in mind before you dismiss a store completely.

This page contains Customer Comments and our Replies...

Our replies = webmaster who knows nothing about that store or keeping fish?
well i used to go to the site for ages, i thought it was the best site untill i found this site.

it does give soem good info but not relly
its says guppys cant go with platys and swordtails!!

heres thew site if anyone wants it
My point was this, They did not say your tank is to small or you have to many fish, they didnt say i hope thats a typo and and you really have a 125g, all that was said was, glad your happy with your fish, just like any lfs they are looking after there back pocket not some dumb kid who they can rip off.
Eh? If someone is praising this forum like "Great Forum", do you think (s)he means - nice looking, well design forum or all the informationand help it gives??

This site would be a different example. Unless I missed something on the site isn't a knowledge base - it's a store. Additionally, since the link wasn't posted until *after* I added my comments, I didn't get to visit until after I posted. All I was saying is chances are the replies to the comments concerning the site itself came from the web-master, or the company hired to do the site, not necessarily the store. (Of course, they could be the same, but just remember to take this into account when surfing stores and browsing comments sections...)

This page contains Customer Comments and our Replies...

Our replies = webmaster who knows nothing about that store or keeping fish?

Very well could be. I work for a small company who provides multiple services to our clients. One of our services is web-design and hosting. In some of our contracts, we've been asked to respond to web-site feedback with generic responses. If they are paying an outside vendor to do their web-site development, they very well could have the same clause. After all, it's not an "Advice" section, it's just simply feedback from their customers. But, of course - I could be wrong. As someone mentioned earlier in this post - we simply don't know. :p

My point was this, They did not say your tank is to small or you have to many fish, they didnt say i hope thats a typo and and you really have a 125g, all that was said was, glad your happy with your fish, just like any lfs they are looking after there back pocket not some dumb kid who they can rip off.

That very well may be the case...assuming the store posted the reply and not the web-master. Of course, one point that should be made is that some people actually get enjoyment out of keeping small fish that they'd not be able to keep through adult hood, bringing them to a size that they can no longer accomodate and trading them back into the hobby. I know several people who do this - and while I've read quite a few posts on this site bashing that idea, I still happen to think it's a good idea. It brings larger fish back into the hobby for a much more reasonable price. LFS that would normally have to pay huge shipping fees for larger fish (such as Oscars) are able to instead order juvies, sell them to customers, and then receive them back when they're much larger and of more interest to other clients.

Please don't take this post the wrong way. It's not meant to bash anyone, their thoughts or even tell everyone that they're wrong. I'm simply trying to point out that the store might not be the one behind the comments, but we don't know. Without knowing, it's almost unfair to start flooding them with thousands of e-mails because of a generic response on their site.

Of course, as I said - we don't know the situation behind the scenes - so it's very possible that I'm wrong. :) I'll be the first to admit that.
My point is this...
let's use some common sense...

Does anyone really think he would keep ONE oscar in his 40 gallon ...

and put all those others in a 25 gallon?


As well...I have never even seen a 25 gallon. A 29 ,a 20...but never a 25...
Becca said:
That very well may be the case...assuming the store posted the reply and not the web-master. Of course, one point that should be made is that some people actually get enjoyment out of keeping small fish that they'd not be able to keep through adult hood, bringing them to a size that they can no longer accomodate and trading them back into the hobby. I know several people who do this - and while I've read quite a few posts on this site bashing that idea, I still happen to think it's a good idea. It brings larger fish back into the hobby for a much more reasonable price. LFS that would normally have to pay huge shipping fees for larger fish (such as Oscars) are able to instead order juvies, sell them to customers, and then receive them back when they're much larger and of more interest to other clients.
very good post becca, but i dunno, this is a 8 year old kid isnt it? i dont really think a young kid is going to trully understand what he has in his tank, if he had some sort of an idea i dont think he would of brought the pacu's or some of the cichlids. Take an oscar, with the info on the web about them, everywhere you see about fish oscar turns up, therefore i dont think he has done his studying or knows anything about them. i could understand if somthing was said like "this is my growout tank" or somthing but he truly doesnt havnt a clue on what he has done.
Phantom Thief said:

You would be surprised at what newbies try to keep in tiny tanks.

So this kid is smart enough to keep a big oscar alone in an appropriate sized tank,but not smart enough to realize he can't fit all those fish in a 25?
Vip said:
He isnt smart at all, or as i would put it, un-educated on fishkeeping.
You're basing that opinion on ???

and for the record...he stated he is 14,not 8...
based on people i know on the web who know about fish keeping, they wouldnt put pacu's and oscars in a ting tank.

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