I am really sorry you've lost another one.
Without trying to be harsh on you I just have a bit of advice after seeing your setup.
1. You need to fully cover the bottom with sand. Bare bottom develops bacteria that kills bottom feeders like cory fry.
2. They can die from starvation. It could be the picture quality but yours look a bit small for their age and their bellies not full. I overfeed mine(visible food around the place at all times which clumps in about 24 hours so it's visible and easy to remove with an air tube. Stir slightly the sand and remove any clumped one. Feed several times a day. The only problem with overfeeding cory fry or any fry is if they are kept in non-cycled tank. In a cycled tank ovefeeding will have no effect on the water quality with a weekly water change. When you remove excess food you need to replace water anyway in small amounts and then once a week a bigger water change with temperature matched/dechlorinated water poured in slowly.
3. I couldn't see on the pictures, but the filter doesn't seem to be rippling the surface of the water. Make sure they are not dying from lack of oxygen.
4. They barely have any cover in the tank and can feel stressed, more plants which also will provide natural food, shady places like driftwood, caves would be better as well. If you have almond leaves, put one too.