Omg Cory Eggs!

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The infertile ones will be white by tomorrow morning.
Indeed they were - I've just removed 12 white eggs. Feels a terrible shame but I never thought I'd see the day where I could remove 12 infertile eggs and still have more than half my eggs left. Fingers crossed for the rest of them.
That's better than mine. I got 30-ish eggs the last time, all but 5 were infertile. All 5 hatched but one of the babies was dead, so ended up with 4.
Wow, I'm rather lucky then (even luckier).

I've not decided what I'd even do if I did get a cory to adulthood. A sentimental part of me would want to keep it but another part would want rid of it to prevent inbreeding. Of course, it was easier to say I'll keep it when I had just the one fry waaay back at the beginning. Definitely don't have the tank space for 13 more.

Eggs are still there. Nothing to report. The milk bottle they're floating in a the same one I poked holes in with a pin. I don't know if the holes are big enough for them to escape when they're born, but I suspect I might put the milk bottle in my little 15L tank which I'll set up over the weekend, before I expect them to hatch. Then I can just tip the bottle and release them into the tank when they're born.

Don't know so much about the filter though. Presumably they don't start producing ammonia until they're born. I'd rather have my filter going than the air pump though as it makes too much noise, but don't want my bacs to die off in the meantime.
Mine take 2 days exactly at 26C. The last time the temperature had dropped to 25C and it took 2 and a half days, the half day extra being particularly long :lol:
So keep an eye tomorrow evening depending on tank temperature.

Did you put some matured filter media in the new filter? And is the filter baby safe? Put a sponge or something over the intake. Harlequins once suggested to fill the new tank with water from the old tank so the babies don't get shocked.
I've not yet set the tank up as the quickest time mine have ever hatched was about 4 days, but then I keep my tank at 24.5C.

I've got tights and I think I have a sponge kicking about somewhere, so either way the filter will be baby safe. I will take some media from the filter in my main tank when I set it up. Hopefully I'll have time for it tonight.

All the eggs are still there and looking fine. Nothing to report still.
Got the milk bottle in my little 15L tank at the moment with the airstone running. I've not got the little filter running atm because surely the bacs will start dying off without anything producing ammonia? Should I have it running

Also, after they're born would there be any merit in me popping one or two of my amano shrimp into the tank with them as clean up crew or would they be a threat?
Amano shrimp are quite big, so not sure.
Yeah, best to put the filter with old media the moment they are born. No need for now.
None have hatched yet. They're at the 3 day mark now. Generally mine have always hatched at 4 days, occasionally 5, so I've got high hopes for tomorrow.
I can't remember, but are you breeding bronze corys or some other type?
I'm breeding trilineatus. Well, I say I'M breeding them, they seem to be breeding themselves at the moment! I notice tonight they're spawning AGAIN! Not quite sure what to do with this lot of eggs as I don't have enough equipment to have two separate lots of eggs on the go! I've netted my dwarf gourami as he's the worst for eating the eggs, though I did notice one of my cardinals eating an egg earlier. I think they tend to notice the eggs which are on the glass but not the ones on the plants so much. So yeah, I've netted the dwarf gourami and I'll just leave them to it for a few hours and remove whatever eggs are left at the end of the night.

With 13 eggs from my initial batch still on the go, I'm not too worried about losing a few eggs off my second batch.

Going shopping on Tuesday. Definitely going to get hold of something better to keep my dwarf gourami in for these occasions, and a splitter for my air pump so I can run it in two or more "tanks".
If you set up the 15L tank with a filter, then you don't necessarily need another bottle, air pump, etc.. for separate eggs. Just get the eggs from the main tank and put them in the 15L tank somewhere, on the glass or a place with the most flow. They should be ok like that. When they hatch, they'll just swim away :lol:
Babies are still living. It's difficult to get pictures because they're difficult to find now they're in a proper tank and I don't have any proper lighting for it.

I think I have four babies from the first batch and one from the second batch, though it could be more as I can only really spot them when they move and tey don't all move at the same time, though they do tend to hide under the moss ball.

There have been a few more spawnings but they've all happened when I've been at work, and by the time I get home all the eggs have been eaten.

I suspect my dwarf gourami has also been trying to build a bubble nest, although I have no females. I'm convinced there's something in the water, or maybe they just really like their new tank :)

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