I'm breeding trilineatus. Well, I say I'M breeding them, they seem to be breeding themselves at the moment! I notice tonight they're spawning AGAIN! Not quite sure what to do with this lot of eggs as I don't have enough equipment to have two separate lots of eggs on the go! I've netted my dwarf gourami as he's the worst for eating the eggs, though I did notice one of my cardinals eating an egg earlier. I think they tend to notice the eggs which are on the glass but not the ones on the plants so much. So yeah, I've netted the dwarf gourami and I'll just leave them to it for a few hours and remove whatever eggs are left at the end of the night.
With 13 eggs from my initial batch still on the go, I'm not too worried about losing a few eggs off my second batch.
Going shopping on Tuesday. Definitely going to get hold of something better to keep my dwarf gourami in for these occasions, and a splitter for my air pump so I can run it in two or more "tanks".