@Colin_T I already talk to myself, and or sing to myself, and the fish, and the fish net, and the shrimp, lights, pots and pans, vehicles, other inanimate objects, and once in a while, my son. I have even pocket dialed my wife, at work, singing about what I'm doing with the fish tank, to no one in particular, and the ***** put me on speaker and had a chuckle with her co-workers. I was crazy LONG ago.
As for the sleep, as of late it has been medical issues causing me problems falling and staying asleep I believe. Hopefully get part of it straightened out tomorrow, seeing chiropractor for the first time in ~15 years. Then in 2 weeks, surgery consult, for a hernia... YIPPEEE!
My wife got on this "get your quirks fixed" rampage, so now I'm being pushed to doctors I dont wanna see. Oh well, happy wife happy life.
I am pretty sure you Id'd the plants I have already, I just cant seem to remember which they were. I think one you said was Ludwigia, but I always mix up wisteria and Sprite. I think its wisteria though.
An update on fish: Sophie seems to be improving. I barely saw him resting on the floor at all today, even with the light on in his tank. I watched him eat, swim a bit, did his water change, and he just kinda hung out most of the day. Not gasping or anything, just hanging a half inch below surface, kind of resting on a sprig of hornwort. Still, a vast improvement over yesterday!
As for my gourami, I am 100% positive he was feeling stressed or possibly bullied or intimidated (though I never saw anyone mess with him). I am positive of it, because I couldnt contain myself, between seeing him stress, seeing the crud on the gravel (plant matter and poo), and the bajillion snails, I HAD to do a gravel vac and water change. Since I was already in the tank, I figured "let's just see here..." and pulled the two adult male guppies, 2 juvie male guppies, and a dozen or so other 1-3 week old fry, and stuck them in the 10gallon. After about an hour, which is about how long it took him to mellow out, he started strutting around the tank. Dorsal fin straight up as high as I've ever seen it, brighter yellow and orange than the last week or so, and no longer darting quickly to surface and quickly back down, but leisurely making his way in either direction. It seems apparent that the Male guppies, without females to harass, are too hyper for his liking...
Now what a dilemma I have... Just got rid of females, so I wouldnt get over run with fry, but refuse to give up gourami, but am eager to see some fry grow up...
? More honey gourami? I've seen conflicting reports of some schooling, and others fighting. I dont want more tank drama, so I'm gonna have to do some more digging and thinking.
In either case, at least things are mostly looking up, and the fish are improving in health and attitude, even if the homing is temporary, since a 10g wont support what's in it for much longer once fry grow more...