okay-one more Otto Question


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Will they eat spirulina Algae flake food if it lands at the bottom of the tank?
I give it to my platies so I wanted to know if it was good for ottos to :p

I hope this is not a dumb question...if so sorry in advance.
I've never seen mine eat flakes if they happen to land on them on the bottom of the tank
Thanks for the response :)

Its funny becasue I looked in on my ottos and one is sucking on the shrimp pellet that put in for my cory?

Is that normal

I did end up getting a plant...its some sort of aquatic grass...it seemed the most "alive" plant at the ifs.

Most grasslike plants tend to require high light in a tank. I have my tank setup to maintain aquatic plants but i still have trouples with grasslike plants...usually microsword
Hi Mustang !!!

Thanks for the info

I don't know who long this poor little plant will last! :blink:

I hope the ottos have some fun w/it before its gone.

I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling about this grass. I don't have any special lights or anything....I guess i didn't think this plant thing thru....duh


I'll do my best to keep it alive.
Hi Dwarfs :)

Thats good to know, I will keep trying the discs, I have the tetra Min Variety wafers
so I hope they will find something to their liking :p

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