The one addition to my tanks that I always regreted, was the addition of crabs. No matter how many modifications we made to our tanks, they always managed to escape somehow. I HONESTLY dont know how the last two got out, I mean we thought it would be impossible, but somehow they did it. One made it all the way down two flights of stairs (hardwood stairs even...that musta hurt) and died in the garage. I think right now, there are still 3 that the bodies were never recovered...anyways if you have them with slow/peaceful fish, the fish will be looked upon as prey, and could possibly get eaten at night. If you have them with more aggressive fish, the crabs will get eaten, or they will just hide all day and what fun is that? They also dont do well in pairs, and will usually fight to the death. Most commonly one would break off the others claws and it would just eventually die (starve?).
This may sound boring, but maybe consider ghost shrimp. They dont hide as much as crabs, and they are too small to eat most fish. I have ghost shrimps, african dwarf frogs, and coolie loaches (which look like little snakes) in my smaller tank and they all live in harmony with the other fish, and I think they are much more interesting to watch then my amazing dissappearing crabs were.