oh geeze

Did you see the one with the guy who has a 1-gallon?
29 gallon tank
1 green spotted puffer
1 tri-colored shark
2 tiger barbs
1 rosie barb
1 silver spotted catfish
1 male, 1 female orange and black swordtails
1 blue betta
2 small gold and marble angels
THE original female blue platty that started it all(Mama)
various live plants and Yes, they all get along great

Green Spotted puffers need BRACKISH.

Wow, the other has 5 Tigers in a 5 gal...jackass'
Yeah - 5 tetras. How do you filter something that small?
Owner: Charlie
Tank size:10 gallon

Fish in the tank:

6 platies
3 guppies
2 Dwarf Gouramis
1 male Betta
3 Neon
3 Cardinal Tetras
2 Angle Fish
1 Algae eater
3 Zebra Danio

that has to be the winner
Owner: Larry
Tank size:29 Gallons tall

Fish in the tank:

3 algae eaters
1 Pleco
2 Blue Gourami
2 Gold Gourami
2 Silver Dollars
2 Red Pacu
1 Male Betta
1 Brown Ghost Knife
1 Elephant Nose Fish
1 Giant Danio

um he has some bigs ones or potential to be big my goodness :crazy:
Winner in Community 3: (yeah, it might be a typo, but still...) :sly: -
Tank size: gallon

Fish in the tank:

2 Angelfish
2 Male Dwarf Gouramis
2 Crown Ruby Cichlids
3 Glowlight Tetras
4 Silver Hatchets
2 Juli Cory
1 Common Pleco
OMG! :grr: 24 fish in a 10 gallon, 4 plecos in a 10 gallon. insane people. There water quality can't be good with little filtration, and lots of excretion :( poor fishies. Can you get arrested for fish animal cruelty? you should be able to! :grr:

I emailed him telling him he was suppoerting animal cruelty, one inch of fish per gallon. I think everyone should do the same :D
Are these people insane...? Look at these two:

Owner: Rich
Tank size:25 gallon

Fish in the tank:

8 Cardinal Tetras
3 White Tipped Tetras
2 Glowlight Tetras
6 Tiger Barbs
2 Dwarf Gouramis
2 Bala Sharks
1 Red-Tailed Black Shark
1 Featherfin Cat

Owner: Fee & Jay
Tank size:20 gallon

Fish in the tank:

6 Silver Sharks
1 HUGE Plec
5 Neons
3 Female Guppies - 2 heavily pregnant
3 Male Guppies
1 Male Fighter
2 Female Fighters
2 Dalmation Mollies
2 Opaline Gouramis

I thought it was one inch of fish per gallon, NOT one FISH per gallon!!
Nina7777 said:
YUP YUP seen that site before. Just had to shake my head :no: and leave quickly as not to start YELLING! :/
that would have been the good thing to do but instead i emailed him in outrage :*)
read this: (BTW the site was labeled "badman", quite a suitable name huh? :lol: )

Dear Badman
Today I stumbled across your site while doing some research. What I saw was completely shocking and what I thought to be a joke.
Upon further reading I realized that not only was this not a joke, but people were actually using your examples while stocking their tanks. This is both disgusting and very inappropriate. Clearly you have no experience and should not be misleading so many people. Beginners should not exceed 1" of fish per US gallon. This is measured by the adult size of the fish as well as its compatibility and activity levels. Most of the tank examples are far exceeding this limit. Not only that but I read far more shocking mistakes. For example (and don't misunderstand they almost all had something this bad with them) there was a 37 gallon tank containing 2 bala sharks, 2 iridescent sharks, and 2 black sharks as some of its inhabitants. Not only is this fish abuse but you and your members obviously have no idea what they are doing. Both bala sharks and black sharks (or the columbian shark) reach an average size of 14" and are capable of reaching an astounding 20"-22". These sharks need a minimum of 70 gallons, but are ideal for 100 gallon tanks! Not only that but an iridescent shark can reach up to 3 feet long and need at LEAST 150-200 gallons. I have also read of 1 gallon bowls containing 2 fantail goldfish! Goldfish (depending on the exact species) should not be kept in anything less than 5 gallons per fish, some species even requiring 10 gallons per fish. Your site is promoting fish abuse and it has to stop! I am also reading of brackish water fish being kept in fresh water, and community fish being kept with aggressive fish. You should be ashamed for allowing this to be posted on the internet where unsuspecting fish owners will be misled and taught how to kill their fish in the worst possible ways. If you are any kind of mature responsible person then you will not allow this to go on any further and correct this mistake before it does any more harm. Maybe YOU should do a little research of your own, not simply believe that fish + water = good aquarium. Your poor knowledge and obvious laziness in research are a disgrace.
:crazy: Eek. Those poor fish. :sad:

Tank size:37 gallon

Fish in the tank:

2 ID Sharks
2 Bala Sharks
2 Black Sharks
1 Diamond Shark
1 Blue Gourami
2 Golden Gourami
1 Goby
1 Catfish
1 Pleco

This is pretty harsh ^.

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