oh geeze

ayla said:
:crazy: Eek. Those poor fish. :sad:

Tank size:37 gallon

Fish in the tank:

2 ID Sharks
2 Bala Sharks
2 Black Sharks
1 Diamond Shark
1 Blue Gourami
2 Golden Gourami
1 Goby
1 Catfish
1 Pleco

This is pretty harsh ^.
i know i quoted that one in the email above :lol:
i bet money that the site is from some little computer smart kid who has a goldfish and nothing better to do then play fish expert. :<
Poor fish :X It always astonishes me how naive (I'm going easy on them) people can be. :no:
I just got my first tank almost 2 months ago and that was the first website that I stumbled on when doing my initial research!! I was sooo excited to have some examples to copy as I knew nothing about which fish should go together. Luckily for me I found this site after only purchasing 6 fish. It was too late for fishless cycling but you guys sure saved me from making horrible mistakes!! I'm sure there's many others who are using that site as their guide..... what a shame :(

Thank goodness you did find out that that site was wrong! I really feel bad for the people who are actually following that guide, thinking that it's right.

I couldn't stop thinking about that stupid site all day, and so I e-mailed "Badman" as well. Maybe with all of our e-mails, something will sink in...I hope. :(
Pointy Kitty! Great Letter! You wrote in a very knowledgeable way! and were polite too! My letter would have been alot more harsh! Thats why I didn't even bother :rofl:

But cojutes to you for spelling it out for him so elegantly!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
On community 6:
Tank size:10gallon

Fish in the tank:
1 turquoise severum
1 rainbow shark
2 albino cory cats
2 giant danios
1 ramshorn snail
2 African dwarf frogs

Severum - S. American Cichlid that grows to 20cm (7.9") which will not have room to swim or even turn around in most 10 gallon tanks.
Rainbow shark - 15cm (5.9")
Albino cory cat - 6cm (2.5") each
Giant danio - 15cm (5.9") each
A.D.F.s - not recommended to keep with fish, require about 1 gallon per frog.

So if we take out the two gallons required for the fish, she is keeping 30.6" of fish in 8 gallons - that is 3.8" of fish per gallon, or three times overstocked.....

Terrible site.

Nina7777 said:
Pointy Kitty! Great Letter! You wrote in a very knowledgeable way! and were polite too! My letter would have been alot more harsh! Thats why I didn't even bother :rofl:

But cojutes to you for spelling it out for him so elegantly!!!!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap:
:rofl: hahaha
i thought i was a bit hot tempored actually, but i guess i could have said alot worse ;)
There was one that had a Florida Snapping turtle with 12 feeders in a 10g. Also, did anyone see the 29g that had 5 rainbow sharks? :grr:
Tank size:55 Gallon, 29 Gallon, 10 Gallon

Fish in the tanks: I plan on using the 10 Gallon Tank to make the fish larger before dumping them into the 55. Im getting rid of 4 of the 6 baby plecos.
55 Gallon Tank:

2 Tin foil Barbs
1 Angel Fish
1 Iridescent Shark
1 pleco
3 Blue Gourami's
2 Red Hooks
1 Walking Catfish

29 Gallon Tank:

(this a primarily a Cichlid Tank)
3 Lombardoi ;
1 yellow male
2 Blue Females
2 Electric Yellow cichlid
1 7.5 inch Pleco

10 Gallon Tank:

2 Black-fin Sharks
5 Blue Gourami's (came from the ones in the 55 Gallon Tank)
3 Pink Gourami's
1 Clown Loach
6 Baby Plecos (mated the two other larger plecos

I don't like this guy, not one bit. 8) :angry: :angry:
i dont know a whole lot about fish seeing im a begginer but i can tell those people have no idea what there doing i know the rule 1 inche pergallon but i want to use i inch per 2 gallon to be safe...., i just got a 55 gallon tank with tiny bala sharks and i am soon getting a humungus tanks that is close to 300 gallons from a friend but i hope some1 makes them get bigger tanks!!!!! :grr: i feel so bad for those fish if those people are lookin at this....TAKE THEM BACK, OR GET BIGGER TANKS!!!!!
it's sad :( I think people are willing just to set up a tank as they see fit withut doing the slightest bit of research becuase my friend set up a 2.5G a while ago, didn't cycle, and put four big goldfish into it on the same day :( then she wondered why they died...

sorry, went off on a tangent there.

Owner:Charli Watkins
45 Litres:
2 guppies
2 penquin tetras
3 neon tetras
1 medium anglefish
1 fruit loop tetra
1 albino cory
1 peppered cory
2 bloodfin tetras
1 serpae tetra
1 platy
1 glowlight tetra
3 golden barbs
1 cherry barb
1 zebra danio
1 harlequin rasbora

how are these people's fish staying alive?!
Owner: Jill-o
Tank size: gallon

Fish in the tank:

2 green barbs
2 siamese algae eaters
2 red tailed sharks
4 red and black mollys

Owner: Erik I.
Tank size: gallon

Fish in the tank:
4 black skirt tetras
4 zebra danios
4 rosy barbs
3 green cory

I'll stop copying them down now. they shock me though. :(
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Did you see the one with the guy who has a 1-gallon?
one gallon fish bowl:
2 1 inch fantail goldfish
one gallon fish tank:
5 neon tetras
two gallon fish bowl:
2 calico fantail gold fish
Look on the bright side.................These are the people that will have all those cheap tanks at the yard sales this summer. :byebye:


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