Oh Dear It Is Raining Cories In California

this may be off topic at this point but quarter horses are most definately not a simple cross between a thoroughbred and an arab. they came about through the selective breeding of ranch horses (which were often mustangs) and some lighter bodied horses which were, or were very like thoroughbreds.

The only times i can think of arab influencing the quarter horse line (except where the breeds are purposely bred) would be the introduction of arab lines to spanish lines (Andalusia. this is why Spanish Mustangs show both spanish as well as arabian type), and the accidental or purposeful introduction of arab lines to mustang lines through release/escape. People often would kill wild stallions and release finer boned or draft horses to influence the mustang lines, as well as simply releasin animals that are too old to work anymore. That's why they're so varied.

but that's enough off topic-ness
It's ok, starrynight. I brought it up. The horse files are pretty far back in the cabinet now (in my head.) Hard to remember. Your correction shows how complex breeding becomes and how "natural" species are influenced and changed over time, especially once they become directly influenced by humans.

Gnatfish: the search for selective breeding brought this page up. selective breeding

I had simply cut and pasted the first choice on my post. But both the 1st and 2nd show what the article says about selective breeding.

At this point, Gnatfish, I would say it is time for you to get your encyclopedia out or take a trip to the library or get your google on. :look:
I'm new to this discussion, but I personally see nothing wrong with long-finned cories, as long as the cories aren't being hurt. In an aquarium environment, where the aquarist can make sure there's nothing to snag and tear at these little guys' fins, I don't see how they are at a disadvantage (and personally I think they're pretty cute and interesting looking, though I probably wouldn't own them myself). I also think its foolish to make the blanket statement that ALL long finned cories come from the Czech Republic. Sure, perhaps most do, but I think its pretty closed-minded to assume that NOBODY ANYWHERE has ever produced the long finned mutation without hormones and such. It sounds perfectly possible to me, I mean how do you think fancy guppies were bred? And though I have very little info on the subject, from what I've heard this guy sounds like a responsible breeder, so it doesn't at all seem fair to me to suddenly start yelling about hormones and showing pictures of dyed fish that have very little relation to the original subject (by the way, I'd love to personally wring the necks of those who dye cories, GRRR). You're just assuming the worst about people with very little evidence.
I would like to have some of the long fins. I think they are cool. I have been watching my fish and as far as I can tell they mate when they want to and with who they want in tanks and in the wild. All we are doing is giving them different options to choose from. In the end the fish make the choice. Some mate and some don't. We are not holding them down and forcing them.
People can't say that they did not pick their mate for certain qualities. (nice, funny, cute...) Isn't that the same thing? I know I did.
Anyway... I would like some of them when you see how they do. ;)

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