Oh Amy! What'S Wrong!?!

she sounds anxious and playful. does she beg in other areas? has she had basic obedience or does she know basic commands?
just tell her no and mean it. dont feel bad about it. you dont like the whinning. then take it away, and put it away. she will keep whining and tell no. then to sit and make her be calm.
almost like separation anxiety, but over a toy.
also take her for more long walks.
hope she settles down for you.
Been a while since i replyed... Sorry guys forgot about this topic :blush: my bad

I would say a phantom pregnancy would be her problem. Sounds just like it. Is she collecting any other toys or nesting?

Edit: If it's a phantom pregnancy, it should pass on it's own after a couple weeks.

Also, if she isn't listening, it might be that she's fixating on the bear too much to hear you. You could always take her in to the vet to get her ears tested. How old is she? Dogs lose their hearing in old age just like humans do.
She's 3 years. I Highly Doubt she's gonig death yet..

I agree it's worthwhile to check it out but you shouldn't take a dog to the vet for a behavior problem and expect the vet to be able to fix it.

Also, I don't think you should do anything until you know the root of the problem. Just like you wouldn't treat an illness or a problem with your tank without first knowing what it was. Taking the bear away has the potential to compound the problem and she could just turn this obsession to another toy and start all over again.

Knox, how old is she? How often do you walk/exercise Amy and for how long? Has she recently been in heat and come out of it? Was she around in-tact males during this time? Is she obsessive towards anything else? Have you seen her nesting (collecting blankets in a certain spot, digging) or collecting toys? Any other behavior issues, like aggression, being territorial, etc.?

Does she respond to other sounds or is she oblivious? There are some simple tests you can do to see if she's deaf though I don't know how this would work with her being so obsessive over the toy. I would have the vet check her hearing for you.
She's 3 Years old tomorrow :D Went out specialy to buy her a gift! ( Hav'nt brought any-one else a gift this crimbo! :D ) I Dont walk her in the winter since she freeze's and Refuses to Move! And nope.. No heat at all... Yep... Seen her nesting And Nope no other Toys.. Umm She's Never aggresive. Unless she attempts to ammuse herself Eg:
Jumping onto the bed streching out. Barking And Rolling around ( quite cute to be honest ) And the other time when she Throws the ball into the air.. She HATES it when i hide it from her.
And Territorial..
Yep.. She took my brothers bed and now he's cramped into the corner OF the bed. But In the end the dog just goes to the end of the bed and lays there.

she sounds anxious and playful. does she beg in other areas? has she had basic obedience or does she know basic commands?
just tell her no and mean it. dont feel bad about it. you dont like the whinning. then take it away, and put it away. she will keep whining and tell no. then to sit and make her be calm.
almost like separation anxiety, but over a toy.
also take her for more long walks.
hope she settles down for you.
She knows a fair few Commands. All the basic's

the "No" And Mean it Does'nt apply to her. She does'nt listen she just looks at me like -_- wth? And then walks off like :X And runs off to cause more chaos

longer walks are a no no.
A) Youth's In the Local area Like to Abuse Animals ( Eg Throw rocks at People and There dogs! I Have seen this. Thank god i live on a main road where No Abuse is made! )
Thanks Every-one.
I would take her in the garden then and get her running backwards and forwards fetching a ball for you.

I think it's probably important to do more training with her - I have two welsh sheepdogs and they get silly/act up/get obsessive if their basic needs are not met - one of those is mental stimulation.

It doesn't matter what you train your dog to do, just get her working for something.
I spend quite a bit of time each day getting my dogs focused on me and working for a treat or toy.

Any obsessive behaviour I immediately act on - as it shows the dog itself is unhappy/lacking in something. Exercise, mental stimulation and discipline usually work very well to sort out these kinds of issues.

The 'quiet' command is perhaps one command you might like to try, fairly easy and very handy :)

Hope she's feeling better soon :)
Now i feel like a bad dog keeper :angry: she seems to have "Calmed" Down.

When ever my uncle comes over she's ALOT happyer... but when he goes for along amount of time she stress's out...
Has she been neutered? if not I strongly suggest this is done, should put a stop to the phantom pregnancies and prevent any unwanted pregnancies and possible womb infections.

My mom plans on breeding her.. Some year ¬_¬

Stupid mother.

And i dont know if mom will neutere her...

My mom plans on breeding her.. Some year ¬_¬

Stupid mother.

And i dont know if mom will neutere her...

Uhm!? I doubt if even the vet will be able to neuter "her"????.... And Knox... :no: not a nice thing to call your mother stupid without putting a :lol: in there... :)
She is though..

Last night she said i could'nt sell my curretn tank LET alone buy one..

then i was talking ot her today and she was on about buying the new tank

i was like :blink: umm Ok. :good: and Im selling tihs tank to Mattlee :D I Need to pay £100 to my mom and dad anyway for buying me the new tank.

Xmas money + Work money gone :(

£10 a week for pickin up my brother

and i may be working in a butcher's on the week ends

aha the joy :D
Now i feel like a bad dog keeper :angry: she seems to have "Calmed" Down.

When ever my uncle comes over she's ALOT happyer... but when he goes for along amount of time she stress's out...

Nothing about not understanding completely the source of your dog's behaviour or not knowing what to do makes you a bad dog keeper!

I think we're all just trying to help you help her and know what to do to make her feel better and happier :)
she's fully recovered now :)

We Threw a teddy in the bin and she spazed out. Took it out ( yes it was a clean bin liner as we where clearingout a room )

Gave it to her she glared at it for a few seconds and walked off :hyper:

I Think she missed my uncle aswel ( She fancys him bless ) He gets annoyed with her and she still carry's on :lol:
It really does sound like she was just going through a phantom pregnancy. If it happens again, i would just leave her to it and not to take the toys away that she is nesting with. It will more than likely stress her out more.
Having her spayed will stop her having phantom pregnancys, but if your mum wants to breed off her then you will just have to let the dog get on with it lol.

Female dogs go through phantom pregnancy's because in the wild there would only be an alpha male and alpha female that would be breeding. The Alpha's can't afford to just sit back and nurse pups otherwise the pack would fall apart and lower members of the pack would try and become alphas. Evolution has made it so that all the females come into heat at the same time, so that when the Alpha Female gives birth, the other females in the pack are going through 'phantom' pregnancies and have the mothering instincts, and are able to lactate and 'babysit' for the alpha's puppies.

As for:
Vets aren't behaviorists. This sounds like a behavior problem, not a health problem.
I would disagree, even though they may not specialise in behaviour, I'm sure an experienced vet who has been working with dogs for a while is as much qualified as a so called behaviourist.

You obviously know nothing about animal behaviour or veterinary science. There is a reason why Vets REFER animals with behaviour problems or for training to registered Animal Behaviourists
As for:
Vets aren't behaviorists. This sounds like a behavior problem, not a health problem.
I would disagree, even though they may not specialise in behaviour, I'm sure an experienced vet who has been working with dogs for a while is as much qualified as a so called behaviourist.

You obviously know nothing about animal behaviour or veterinary science. There is a reason why Vets REFER animals with behaviour problems or for training to registered Animal Behaviourists

Exactly, this is the reason I deter people taking advise from a forum about fish for the well being of their dogs. It's like trusting Wikipedia to diagnose a illness you have.
no true you never know
but hey the chances of someone havin a guess or just giving you old wives tales is probably more common hey
scot :)

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