Off Topic Posts

Apple Strudel and Sauerkraut also probably shouldn't be fed to fish....Unless they're german fish
So my German Blue Rams would be okay on a diet of Apple Strudel and Sauerkraut?

As long as they behave and wear their Lederhosen!

I'm on that crazy side of the forums again :look:
That's nothing, I was on the weird side of Youtube today...

And you survived?!?! Quick! Someone get the decontamination gear.
Gotta love the weird side of youtube. You tube is the only place I knwo where you can go from cute kittens to zit popping in .25 seconds.
Gotta love the weird side of youtube. You tube is the only place I knwo where you can go from cute kittens to zit popping in .25 seconds.
Also the most annoying sometimes... Like... whatever you watch, even if you watched it only ONCE because someone gave you a link to it, if you are not signed in, it will be all over your recommended list on the right. I even trolled a friend and linked him to horse mating. Then he was like "OMG!!! Now Youtube shows me horse porn all over the place!!!"
>: ))

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