Off Topic Posts

Pudding, scrambled eggs, cheeseburgers, lemons, popsicles, jelly rolls, cake, gummie snacks, pop tarts, toaster waffles, steak, pancakes, garlic, lollie pops, hard candy, fruit cake, eggs, ham, etc...etc...etc...

Pudding, scrambled eggs, cheeseburgers, lemons, popsicles, jelly rolls, cake, gummie snacks, pop tarts, toaster waffles, steak, pancakes, garlic, lollie pops, hard candy, fruit cake, eggs, ham, etc...etc...etc...
Nu-uh, scrambled eggs are good for fish.
The cake is a lie.
garlic - is recommended.
candy - my hoplo, Rex, ate a bunch of these marble-shaped candies that my cousins threw at him. He survived.
eggs - again, I feed my fish these whenever I boil some. But the egg yolk only.
I know egg, but i mean the white parts. You feed your fish cake and scrambled eggs with cheese? :crazy:
The cake is not a lie.

I like turtles.
I OWN a turtle.

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