Of Goes All Salty.....

:shout: Thanks for your advice Seffie,he's now residing in my tank :good: Thanks son ....... d:D
they are quite peaceful, especially if tank bred. Its the cheaper strawberrys that you have to watch out for.
Hi all,seems im only ever here when i need advice :flowers:
Ok just did some readings on my tank and there as follows:
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0 - 10 (between)
Amonia 0
Any replies?? Thanks
All my fish and corals sem to be thriving and my cyano bacteria is almost gone :)

OF :good:
As Ben said, those stats are fine - most tanks run around that anyway - nice to have 0 nitrates but most don't

Ben means to buy the other tests, like mag etc

seffie x
Hi,just a quick question....
Is it possible for me to add my 2 Percula clown fish into my tank if i already have a maroon yellow banded clown in there ? would he kill them?? I have my percs in my orca450 frag tank and would love to seee them swimming together in there or maybe i could remove the maroon and put the 2 percs in and maybe add a feww more percs to shoal?? Thoughts please THANKS :shout:
PS: i have the percula 90 tank 270 litre.....

OF :good:
Hi OF.

That wont work. You need a masisve tank to get away with more than a pair of clwons. The maroon will already see the tank as his.

Also to add a group of clowns, you need to add them all at the same time as sexless juvies.
Hi,sorry ive been a bit absent here ,what with my tank now taking over all my spare time and trying to navigate this new layout on the forum :unsure:
I bought three new corals this evening:
1st was a 2 kilo piece of live rock plastered in yellow polyps :good: which now resides in my orca450,as ive now moved it from a frag tank and scaped it with live rock i also bought at the same time.
2nd was a 7 headed torch coral,picture below under my blue aquaray lights.
3rd was a coral i need help with please it was the only one left in his tank apart from a bubble tip anemone which i didnt take enough money for(looks around for wife) :rolleyes: So could someone please identify for me.Picture also below.Its bright orange and has a mouth in the centre and was on his sand bed and thats where it is now in my tank.
Many thanks and hope your all well and tanks are going good

OF :good:



Nice torch, I like to see bigger corals :good:

And the lovely coral on the sand bed is a fungia, good buy. Take a look at The coral of the week -Fungia

Seffie x

ps we missed you, where you been?
Thanks Seff :drool:
Quick update im going to collect a lime green tipped bubble anemone tommorrow,should i drip it into my orca? And hes also throwing in another perc clown and a firefish+numerous hermits.I have 2 percs in my orca atm and was wondering if it would be ok to add the new one who is bigger than the 2 i have now?? Also what of the firefish?? I have a yellow striped maroon clown/fiji blue damsel/strawberry dottyback and leopard wrasse in my 290lt percula 90 is he ok in there or should he go in my orca with my 2 perc clowns?? or even give the firefish to YF?? lol a reply before 9.30am friday would be helpful as thats when im off to collect :)

OF :good:

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