Of Goes All Salty.....

OO believe me that sea hare will make very short work of it..problem being when it runs out the hare can starve...check with tina to see how she keeps hers fed...
Many people use these nudibranchs to clear up hair algae and then sell them on ....
I let some algae build up on the back glass, I had such a problem due to retained phosphates that up until now, I have had no problem keeping it fed.

I do tend to leave some Nori on a clip overnight a few times a week, he has taken a liking to this, as have the ceriths. They don't go near it in the day time though, the Tang, Blenny and Wrasse would not let them near it for a start.

The test will come over the next few months, it is alot bigger than when I bought it in June and will get an even larger appetite as it grows.

If your aquarium becomes too clean, and you are struggling, best to swap it for something else at the LFS, they can starve very easily if not enough algae about.
of can we have a pic of your see hair please as i like these
I have told him I think he should swap it/sell it on once the hair algea is removed.
i have the same problem ( diatoms) but got great advice from youngfisher.. your lucky having him in the same house :)

dosent look nice i know but wont be for long :)
im collecting 20kg of LR today so no doubt ill have more of the same :(
Yeh shelagh,its good for the extra advice from yf but not always calm advice lol.Often an argument ensues lmao :blink:
And yes it looks awful atm but like you say it should get better (hopefully) And wheres a picture of your new setup and hope you dont get invaded by a new set of diatoms.....

OF :good:

Oh ps: Bae ill add a pic of him as soon as he comes out of hiding :hyper:
Bae :hyper: As promised heres SID lol,my Sea Hare

OF :good:
wow how cool real odd colours
The sea hares at my lfs are bland colours, thats like army camo :D

Great tank, how many litres is it again?

And since buddy says its a friendly damsel, will you be keeping it or trading it in?

Thanks John yeh hes cool :hyper: Capacity is 270 litre and yes as Bud says,the damsel is a big softy so im keeping him for the time being

why John? you after my Damsel lol

OF :good:
johns going salty tho yf also i sorta hijacked your fishing thread from july
ive told some jokes on it lol

sorry to hijack of

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