It has been almost 2 months now since I originally planted my tank. I have not updated sooner because besides a comedy of newbie errors, and not much happening, the tank was just ugly and a little embarrassing.
The water was hazy and tannined. Plants were struggling....it just was not looking good.
But, now things are stabilizing and I'm gaining some experience and learning a lot
I'm still a long way from where I want to be. Most of the HC floated away, but I still have one little patch that seems to be anchored and doing well. The Difformis is really healthy looking and is growing as advertised.
I repositioned the crypt which is doing so well that I need to move again.
The Sag suffered the most. When I first planted it was 8-10" tall, and now all that remains of the tall planr are 3 lonely leaves. The good news is that although it is not going tall they are creating runners like mad. At least 2 per each mother plant.
Even though the sag is not growing towards the surface I really like the look it is taking on. Kind of wild and not groomed....makes it look natural which is what I'm going for.
Now that I see how things are growing I think it's time to change it up. Maybe get those sag's more in the mid to foreground. Get something else that will grow tall to hide the equipment.
Not sure what yet...maybe some Val's?? Maybe take the wood out and let the sag carpet the tank?