Noobs Ltlb 10

Sorry for cracking up. Makes me laugh when my hubby looks over my shoulder editing my posts. Glad I'm not the only one lol
Have a set-back in my plans. Woke up this morning to BGA. Great....from what I've read it's not easy to get rid of.

I just fought through a period of Diatoms, and now this. Well, with plants ordered I have to work fast.
I need to first discover why I am having this problem in order to take measures to prevent it in the future.
Problem is so many things are new to the tank it might be difficult pinning it down:
New filter-but it is 5x bigger than the old one
Introduced rocks found outside
Introduced wood found outside
Increased lighting efficiency

I guess I first noticed it on the filter on the media. When I blacked out the light getting into the filter with foil it has creeped into the tank, and is covering everything. That's my theory anyway.

Current Tank Stats:

I'm due for my weekly w/c so I expected nitrates to be where they are. This also tells me that low nitrates are not the cause of this BGA outbreak.
I guess it might be because my tank has only been set up since mid-December(fully cycled). I read it effects new tank set-ups.

I'm going to try to remedy this by doing a big water change, clean everything, and black out tank for 3 days. Hope this will do the trick because I expect my plant order will arrive on Wednesday.

Edited include BGA research findings:

Currently I am through day 1 of my 3 day black out period, and have nothing to do except research BGA and possible reasons why it is showing up in my tanK.
Possible reasons for BGA:
Low Nitrates
Poor water flow
Dirty Filter or Substrate
Low Oxygen levels
Changing CO2 levels
Extended Photo Period

After these findings I have come to the conclusion that a dirty substrate is the number 1 suspect.
Although I perform weekly maintenance with a 60-80% water change every Sunday, I may not have the right equipment to vac the substrate well enough. Holding the hose just above the gravel without sucking it up might not be getting as much mulm/food out of the gravel as I had thought.
Also, with the hose I have I usually have to work very fast because it usually drains the tank in 1 to
2 minutes. W/Cs are easy with a 10gL.

I will be changing substrates when the plants arrive. Hopefully this and the blackout period solve this issue.

If not I have been bombarded with web info suggesting hydrogen peroxide as a solution. The chemotherapy of the aquarium world, but there are a lot of testimonials of people using this method safely.
I had a big bga problem I scraped it out as much as I could then did a 5 day blackout which helped a lot it came back again so I planted a lot and I mean a lot of plants in the places where it tended to stick to this got rid completely dunno how or why but it worked
Black out is over! No sign of BGA in the tank or filter.
But, I did clean everything before the blackout.

I bought a gravel vac in hopes this will do better on the substrate, however I think the plants will help keep it a lot cleaner.

Speaking of ...don't know where my plant order is? I ordered last Tuesday, and I know they don't ship over weekends. But, I thought for sure it would ship Monday for today???
My plants have still not arrived. Due to blizzard conditions they have not yet shipped.
I was going to wait until they arrived before I changed out the substrate, and do it all in one shot. But, since I am waiting I figured I would at least get the substrate ready.

Now, my oldest would not appreciate me removing his beloved electric blue gravel, and at minimum want to help with the project. This would be more frustration than assistance. So, like a thief in the night I got to work on the tank while everyone was asleep.

My new first layer is Miracle-Gro Organic potting mix fortified with 6oz of Laterite.
Top layer is gravel also fortified with and additional 6oz of Laterite.

A little disappointed with the gravel. What looked to be dark brown in the package looks much much lighter in the water and even lighter under the light....#40## you Walmart and your $2.50 for 5lb of gravel deal that I couldn't pass up!! :S
I should have stuck to the original plan which was black gravel so the different layers are not so noticeable.

Water is still a bit cloudy today, but I expected that. Hope things settle soon.

Although I have no doubt that I will be able to successfully plant and grow something, I am really starting to wonder if I actually have an eye for a good scape.

With the substrate I sloped it from 2.5" depth on the right of the tank and in the back. Down to 1" in the front left corner.
Didn't come out like I had I've been wrestling with hardscape...that too isn't coming together as I had envisioned.

I'll play around with it a little more later...maybe I'll have a happy accident and put together something I like.
Tank stats post substrate change:

NH3/4 - 0.50ppm
NO2 - 0.0ppm
NO3 - 10 to 20ppm
pH - 7.8
gH - 30ppm
kH - 240+ppm

I think it is a safe assumption that my water stat changes are directly related to the Organic Soil in the tank.
I did expect, or hope, that it would lower my pH and gH. I had hoped it would lower the kH, but it had no effect. One thing a did not expect was such a large spike in ammonia.
Hopefully this is something that is released from the soil quickly, and can be taken care of in a few water changes. And not something that is constantly being released over a long period of time.
A little cloudy still, but ready for plants!



ohhhhh I want a Tiger barb species tank so bad.

What are you going to stock?
Ya...Tigers are a great little fish. I hope to have them re-homed sooner than later. Noob mistake being the first fish I bought not knowing they needed more space, and had to be kept in groups of 6 or more. Lucas got attached, and I didn't have the heart to return them on him. He still goes to the tank everyday to stick his finger in to get his "fish kisses" from those greedy buggers who think they're being fed.
I don't know what I am going to do with them?? The next bigger tank I kind of want to do SA Chichlids...

So, for now stocking more fish is not an option. I might get a couple of snails...we'll see after planting I might be able to get some pygmy Cory's to fit in there...but doubt it.

Plants coming:
Hygrophilia Difformis, Hygrophilia Balsamica, Sagittaria Subulata, Pogostemon Helferi, Hemianthus C, and Crpyt Wendtii
My personal view on fish keeping with my kids is that, fish don't live as long as {dogs, or cats}. They are similar to hamsters...some of them only live a few years. I plan to teach the realities of life, without making it too morbid or sad for a child... Our platy died. "Let's say goodbye and go color or paint" I guess my point is that while I want my kids to be involved in something with me, I don't make decisions based on their happiness or sadness. They need to learn the responsibility of having a pet, and it can't start when they are "older"

I hope that didn't sound rude, because I meant it kind. I think the best thing is to just explain that tiger barbs are not healthy in a small tank and help Lucas pick out something himself from an appropriate species. Like Looking at the pygmy cories, but letting him pick one. {6} since they are schooling :)
Ya...that read a little rudely, but I absolutely know you weren't trying to be.

I know enough now to do all my research first before set-up and purchasing. Like I'm doing here with the plants. But, I didn't take back the tigers only because of my son, I too didn't want to give them up. They will be re-homed eventually.
I don't want to draw a lot of heat from the members of this forum about keeping 6 Tiger Barbs in a 10gl tank because I've heard it all since I joined back in December, but you said it yourself they are fish and only live a year or two. Simply an $8 investment in pets that I'm shocked I've been able to keep alive and healthy so 10gl too small for Tigers? My experience with them so far makes me think this is debatable.
No laws on fishkeeping. If yours are healthy and happy then more power to you.

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