Noobs Ltlb 10

Today I have a new found respect and admiration to all the aqua-scapers here at the TFF.
I humbly bow down before you all!!!

I finally planted my tank. And, I have to say, it was a real pain in the #14###....not at all an easy thing to do, quite challenging, and above all a real mess!

Even so, I enjoyed every minute of the toiling I went through.
The Transformation:
Dec. 2, 2011

March 8, 2012

Thank you Biulu!

But...bad news and good news today.

Bad news none of my Hygrophilia Balsamica(midground right) made it one day. Came home from work and it was all floating at the top of the tank. I thought I just had to pop it back it because that has been happening a lot, but the stems were completely firmness or stucture to them to re-plant. It was a very delicate plant, and I was probably to rough with it...even though I was trying to be careful...bummer.
And, my Sag seems to be yellowing already...but I hope that changes once roots take hold.

Everything else seems to be holding strong for now. Even my Crypt, the plant I was worried about, is sprouting a new leaf.

The good news....I found a hidden LFS that a co-worker told me about. They've been in business 30 years. I stopped on my way home, and this place was heaven. Incredible variety of fish...fresh and salt, coral, tanks, and yes plants! Don't know why my phone didn't tell me...that's what I get for having a Droid. Bet Suri would have been able to tell me. :)
Not only is it super cool, but so reasonably priced. Brand new in the box Aqueon 37gal...$89! I saw the 29gal version for $120 at a big box ...and it was on sale.
So, snapped it up! Tigers will soon have a proper home, and I am already working out the new stock list for the 10gl...I like the sound of Malaysian Biotope!
Malaysian biotope sounds good, or what about a biotope built around celestial pearl danios or boraras? Small but beautiful shoaling fish that will do fine in a 10 gallon.

There is also a nice stocking list for 10 gallons as a sticky on this forum.

Regarding the sagittaria, try putting in a root tab for now and see if that works.
Malaysian biotope sounds good, or what about a biotope built around celestial pearl danios or boraras? Small but beautiful shoaling fish that will do fine in a 10 gallon.

There is also a nice stocking list for 10 gallons as a sticky on this forum.

Regarding the sagittaria, try putting in a root tab for now and see if that works. you've done it. They both look really cool!
Now how the heck am I going to decide?;)

Also, thanks for the root tab tip.
Yay for your barbs. I'm really jealous now. I realllllly want a tank for them.
I might be jumping the gun as it only has been less than a week since I planted the tank, but I think I may have to supplement with some ferts.

I lost the Hygrophilia Balsamica in just 2 days...but I think I did not take enough care in planting that one.
I still need to get some root tabs for the Sagittaria, but in the mean time I tried re-planting them in pure Laterite. When I did this I was happy to see they all had new root growth in just the 3 days. But, they are still continuing to yellow.

I bought a pot of Dwarf Sag to fill it out. I was also hoping it would give that area an illusion of more depth. The thought was the shorter broad leave up front to the taller narrow leave in the back would help achieve this.

I also picked up what was labled "micro sword" to replace the H Balsamica for the midground. But, when I tried to look it up to see it, it doesn't look like micro but regular Amazon Sword.

I hope the HC roots soon. It looks like it is doing well color wise, and there is still plenty in the substrate. But, I am tired of skimming out the stray bits that break free and are constantly floating about.

The H Difformis has great green color, and I think that will be rooting fine, but has not gained any height yet. I was expecting it to start reaching for the top of the tank soon.

My crypt...supposedly the slowest grower I have, has shown amazing growth and health. It already has sprouted 2 new leaf stems, and is looking really healthy. I was preparing myself for the melt, and it has not happened yet.
If they are continuing to yellow with the laterite there is a deficiency. Try dosing iron. You are in the US, right? Try API leafzone. After the laterite you do no longer need to put root tabs; the laterite should provide the nutrients the roots need.
If they are continuing to yellow with the laterite there is a deficiency. Try dosing iron. You are in the US, right? Try API leafzone. After the laterite you do no longer need to put root tabs; the laterite should provide the nutrients the roots need.
Biulu to the rescue....again!
Picked up some leafzone on the way to work.
Do you think that tannins in the water could be hurting my lighting?

Nutrients probably are low because I've done 2 really big water changes since Thursday, and nutrients probably have not had enough time to build up.

But, I made a really big mistake. I did not run my organic potting soil through a sieve when I was changing my substrate. I picked out all the big sticks and pieces, but overall there is still a lot of wood and stuff in it. So much so that is actually tanning the water. I like the effect, and know it won't hurt the fish and it will eventually go away.

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