No need to be sad anymore...

No, no trace of food. My CT won't eat more than a pellet or two.....I have to give him the betta flakes. Wierd, eh?

I DO have some frozen bloodworms from when I had my black ghose knifefish....frozen brine shrimp left I think, too. I didn't try him on that, but he's struggling to get to the top, so I didn't think he'd try those either.

Stress bars, are those like little black lines.....but closer look like polka dotted lines?
Now THAT'S incredible. Things are looking up for the little boy, then, if he's eating.
Wonderful for him to be rescued :)

Just a thought though, if he's struggling to reach the suface, you could lower that water level to halfway down so he doesn't have so far to go. Its a big diffrence to the level he had to travel for air in his cup.

Good luck with him :)
I'm so happy that little guy got a good home! Good luck to you all!
GrullaQuarters said:
He's goin nuts over the bloodworms...... he's gotta try like heck....because he's only able to stay vertical, but he's eating them! Perked up real quick too!
Sweet!!!!! Yay, I'm so excited for him!!
I can't wait to see him!
I have to do some research and find out why he's going vertical but I have ALL my meds along today.

Oh yeah - and the stress bars...
Here's a picture of Millie WITH the bars showing:

and here she is when she's not stressed out:

Just thought I'd update he's still here. I didn't think he was....took a bit to get him to move for me....his gills move (but I couldn't see them when I looked), but his mouth really does not. He's still obviously not well, but is a bit more active this AM.....but I brought him upstairs where I can keep a better eye on him throughout the day.
Allright, that's it.
I'm leaving work early today.
I'll just tell them it's a medical emergency.
I really wanna keep this guy around for you.
What a great rescue story it will make!!
He sounds just like Jasper, more and more every time you describe what's going on with him.

Poor little guy.
He ate some more bloodworms this AM! That's gotta be good that he's eating a little, eh?

Good idea about the water level....perhaps I'll take some water out of there to make it easier for him while he waits for his "Momma." :p

If he is medicated, would I want to take his plant out or leave it in there? He's really not using it for relaxing....he's using the gravel for that.

I've got a heating pad under the tank...I figured upping the temp gradually would be good for his hopeful recovery.

Errands to that whenever the Betta Ambulance shows up I will be here. YOU did this, BettaMomma, I'm just helping...or trying to!

So after...say....11:30-noon I will be around the rest of the day!

Hmmmm....what does MISTER Betta Momma think of your mobile ER? Heh heh heh
Is his belly round like he swallowed a marble? If so try feeding him a couple of peas. Im going with swim bladder problems though.
My biggest hope is that he may still be under a bit of stress from teh last few days. I mean he was in a small cup for a long time, you know people picked him up and put him back down about a million times. I think he just maybe needs more time to relize its all going to be ok. :)
Mr. Betta thinks I'm completely nuts.
BUT... (he'll KILL me for telling just one person this, let alone posting it online) he gets home from work about 11 pm. He came into our room last night and flipped on the closet light and noticed that Harvey was in our room. He leaned down and whispered... "Hi Harv... don't look, daddy's going to change into his jammies now"


It's definitely a good thing that he's eating and has good coloring.
There must just be something that's ailing him and making him not feel good.

See ya later gator! ;)
Oh yeah.
He'll be doing laps in no time.

I am just not sure with good coloration and eating what it is...

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