Nitrite Crisis In Cycling Tank - Now Under Control - I Think !

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updated the last 4 days results to first post. No nitrites at all !!!!!!!! ammonia still there though, but small trace only. Still had only spongebob in there, decided to give him a few days of that alone in the tank to see if it spiked at all, so guessing this one is safe. Will maybe add another decor item tomorrow.......

His tail is back to normal, the hole filled back in 2 days, amazingly fast, this betta is incredible in how he heals. The addition of salt when this happens really seems to help.
Day 29 update

Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, looks good but I did do a 40%wc yesterday so not convinced.......will leave water today to see what happens tomorrow. Added back 2nd decor item, lovely creepy skull, my betta was so happy to have it, spent all morning going in and out of the eyes lol

I Know !!! seen yours too mate, doing well, keep holding breath........flipping minnow tank still showing trace nitrites but ammonia has dropped off now after slight raise with meds, hoping that is nearing end, after more than 65 days !!!!!!! Im knackered with that one, phew. Betta tank went much faster, very odd as its the same tank, same filter and media.....
Oh gosh don't...

My tank seems to be holding low Nitrites and Ammonia but with the extra load ive taken on I feel things will slow down a bit... :unsure:

Just want to get passed this now haha! Giving me a headache :p

Keep up the work! :)
Day 30: did not do a waterchange yesterday as stats were great, first time not doing any waterchange so testing was tense.........ammonia 0 nitrite 0 !!! really pleased with this, 2 days in a row. Have not done a waterchange today either so will see if this holds out........betta looking extremely happy and well, spent all day playing in the skull, loving it.
Day 30: did not do a waterchange yesterday as stats were great, first time not doing any waterchange so testing was tense.........ammonia 0 nitrite 0 !!! really pleased with this, 2 days in a row. Have not done a waterchange today either so will see if this holds out........betta looking extremely happy and well, spent all day playing in the skull, loving it.

:good: well done!
Day 31

well, 2 days of no water changes and readings are ammonia 0 nitrite 0 !!!!!!!! Nitrite rising very slowly, (sits in all my tanks at 20, tapwater is 10, not sure why is rises to 20 in all 3 of my tanks?) was 20 maybe now between 20-40, a little above 20 but not as dark as 40, but there is just one betta in there so I would not think it would rise dramatically . Looking good, 3 days is a row with no wc.
I have added back in one of the azoo neon corals I had in there before. Now this will be interesting as these I one of the decor items I most suspected of causing the nitrite spike, so will see what happens over the next few days.......
I would be scared to add those items after having them readings for the past two days... :unsure:

However at least you will know what was causing the spikes if they did resume once one of those items are added!

Keep up the good work :)

We are nearly there :p :good:
I know, Im a bit nervous about it, but he loves the plant, its a full soft fern that he curls up inside like a dog lol I have to try it out, besides its designed for a tank so it must be okay...........will test later today to see if anything is happening
If it does I will see how bad it rises and how fast, then remove it and see if it goes again, then its confirmed as the plant. Though considering my readings I am now thinking it was just the natural cycle as the nitrites just went to 0 overnight and have stayed there and this seems pretty typical of a cycle. Fingers crossed for the next few readings......scary not changing the water after doing it daily for all this time, doing it weekly seems odd now.

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