Nitrite Crisis In Cycling Tank - Now Under Control - I Think !

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Yeah tell me about it... I have no cash so if it goes well... I'm pretty much done for!

Well I took it out the water and cleared some holes where water needs to go into... now its working! *fingers crossed*
I left it on in the water though... as I only done a 50% change I thought I would just leave it in the water at the bottom...

Maybe I should just switch it off in future... lol
I'm only a novice,but i went through a fish in cycle,and my ammonia/nitrite kept rising slightly ,and i had to find a happy medium between not taking out to much water and not feeding too much,(a slight pinch) i had 6 harlequins whilst cycling,if i am right the nitrite feeds off the ammonia and the nitrates eat the nitrites,so my reckoning was when i was doing mine,if i take out too much water i therefore was taking away the nitrates that eat the nitrites,i think i was lucky in one sense has my ammonia spike never went any higher than 0.4(i do have 2 filters running,whether this makes a difference?!)
I have now had solid zero ammonia/nitrites for 2 weeks,nitrate on average around 20,before weekly water change :good: thats with my now 10 harlequins and 4 platies.

Good luck on yours:good:

The amount of ammonia / nitrite needed for beneficial bacteria to colonize is just trace amounts, amounts so small that standard test kits dont even pick it up. You should always aim to get your ammonia / nitrite levels down to 0 if possible during a fish-in cycle and keep them as close to 0 as possible.

You will never get a tank with absolutely zero ammonia whatsoever, even in a cycled tank because your fish are constantly creating waste and breathing causing ammonia, the amounts are just so small that they dont get picked up by test kits which still deliver a reading of 0ppm.


I'm still happy i'm getting zero readings the past few weeks,it's better that anything above zero :) ,which i did have during fish in cycle,and i was constantly changing the water to bring it down.I still check the water every day just to make sure :good: and i am aware that ammonia is always present and not detected by test kits :)

Thats fine, all is good. I was just pointing this out because lately I have read several threads where people were advised not to do overdo water changes to prevent lowering ammonia levels too mcuh and not leaving enough to feed the beneficial bacteria. In other words I've read where people have been advised not to try get readings down to zero and this isnt the case as ammonia is always present in trace amounts even when our tests come back as 0ppm and trace amounts are all that are required for the cycle to perform

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just found my betta with a hole in his tail, looks like the fin rot that he has had on and off since I got him is back again, this is three times now, just get him straight and it goes pear-shaped !
I know this is down to the cycling process, poor little guy, I wish I had know all this before I got these fish, flippin LFS I could kill em.

What with this battle and the minnows starting flicking (now treating with sterazin) I am just about ready to throw in the towel, it's just bad news all the way...........................

Just tested his water and there is a trace of ammonia, I know this has happened because the ammonia is back again...........first time had to medicate him, second time I pulled him through with waterchanges and salt, wil try the same this time but if it starts to progress rapidy he will be back on meds......

The new tank I have sitting, waiting to be set-up at weekend is going to be fishless cycled, no way will I ever do this again. Not sure if I will set it up now, the way I feel Ive had it ................need some time out from all this stress, if its not water levels its finrot, aarrgghhhhhhh I just want my poor fish to be okay and in healthy water, he'll never heal properly til its all done.
Oh no! :sad:

I am so sorry to hear that!

Don't throw in the towel though! You are nearly there! one more obstacle and I'm sure you will be fine! :nod:

Cheers Mate, Im trying to keep going, just added some salt to his tank and will see if it progress fast or not, he seems happy though, was playing with a marble a minute ago and begging me for one of the snails algae wafers lol, he doens't care what his tail looks like, just me.

I have stuffed a gobful of chocolate and it didn't help, still wanna cry......... :unsure: I feel like the worlds worst fishkeeper
Well no you are certainly not the worst fish keeper ever!
You're doing everything you can to keep your fish living in excellent conditions... You just having having great luck... yet! :good:

You will be fine soon I'm sure!

As for the chocolate... send some this way... we will share a box and sob over our experiences with our tanks so far... haha
Well no you are certainly not the worst fish keeper ever!
You're doing everything you can to keep your fish living in excellent conditions... You just having having great luck... yet! :good:

You will be fine soon I'm sure!

As for the chocolate... send some this way... we will share a box and sob over our experiences with our tanks so far... haha

Here you go Love <chucks large mars bar over> get your chops round that and we can blubber in a corner together and only come back out when our tanks are cycled and our fish all pretty again lol

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