

Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2003
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West Virginia
My biology teacher has these cute little fat black things, with orange bellies... she said they were newts.
Are they hardy? What do they eat? What special conditions do they need? How much, generally, do they cost? (US)
When I get a bigger tank, I want to get a couple of these.. they're absolutely adorable! :p
Yes! It was the top link, the fire bellied newt. When I get my new, bigger, tank, I am getting a pair of these!!
I have a red bellied wide paddle tailed newt in one of my tanks.

Heres an old picture:


TAA- are there fish in that tank? Can I get a bit more info on the setup? I have a paddletail I've wanted to some how incorporate with other species, but PTN's are aggressive and shouldn't be placed with other newts... and are supposedly verrrry sensitive to NH3.

And onto the original question. Firebelly newts should be kept in species tanks, and are fine in groups -unlike paddletails-

To keep a firebelly, you will need, -optimally-, a tank with a place for him to haul out if he decides to do so. I've found a heater to not be necessary, as well as filters, though if you decide to get one, a tiny duetto would be fine. My newt eats these little pellet things, "newt chow," if you will, that I get from a pet store- a canister of it will last you forever.

My newt tank has no place for him to haul out -he was given the chance in an old tank, and I never saw him out of the water, so he's fine where he is now-. He seems quite happy... very hardy. Cost you, most lilkely, under $5, and you can find them at virtually -any- pet store, including Petsmart.
WOW Thomas, very nice. :hyper:
First, what is a species tank? I am assuming, for instance, a cichlid tank would be a species tank, only holding cichlids or other compatible fish... if I'm wrong, please explain.
My biology teacher has her two in a 55 gallon, with the only place for them to get out of water being a big stack of rocks where he can go up and stick his head out. I don't see them doing it often.
I was planning on getting two for my 55 gallon that I am getting, just to keep with community fish... mollies, tetras, etc
I don't know of a petsmart anywhere around here, but I am definitely going on the hunt of one of these cute critters.
Thanks for all the helpful info! :thumbs:
species tank meaning only 1 species lives in it.

What I did whilst preping my tank for a newt, before I abandoned the idea, was to install one of those mesh hammocks used by Iguanas... though I'm not sure the little guys are capabe of swimming that high. You could try it, but not until you have a solid 2-3 hours to just sit and monitor everyone's behavior.

I know they don't ever, ever appear to come out of the water, but I urge you to give them the opportunity to, should they ever decide to haul out.

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