Hello all!
Sorry I disappeared for so long. My computer died a horrible, painful death and I decided I would try and build a new one for the first time ever, which resulted in a month before I had anything working again. But I'm back up and running, so I thought I'd post an update on here again (I really oughta move this to the journal section). : P
My fish are all doing quite well! The two mollies are still patrolling the tank happily, and their aggression issues are a thing of the past. I have 6 cherries now (4 females and 2 males) and they're all quite happy and healthy. One of them may have minor swim bladder issues (she appears to have a hard time swimming down for about 5 minutes after feeding), but overall they all do quite well and spend their days chasing each other all over the tank. I've recently decided to go ahead and try to raise some Cory Cats (since I think they're adorable and after a LOT of research I think they'll do just fine in my tank), so I have 3 false juliis that are acclimating to the tank. I've only had 'em a day, so hard to say how they're doing thus far, but so far so good!
I still don't have anything to take pictures with (though I'm hoping that'll get fixed soon-ish), so no photos for ya'll yet.
My current plan is to wait until new years ish (when I'm done with all my travelling) and see how the 3 cories are doing. If everything's still OK I'll round out their school,and try to find one last "centerpiece" fish to put in the tank. I'd like to get a pearl gourami, but I can't find any in the city I'm in.
Actually, I might as well ask since I'm writing on here again, if I will be gone for 6 days around Christmastime, should I use an automatic feeder or just let the fish be for 6 days? I have an automatic I used to use on my old 10-gallon (a Hagen feeder that works pretty well), but I imagine it'll result in some overfeeding. I know fish can go 4 days without food no problem, but wasn't sure if 6 was pushing it.