Yay! New person! *laughs* Thanks for the additional info Blondie! Yep, just usin' a phone, so no flash. : ) They just don't like me that close to the tank, I'm guessing (silly terrible camera phone).
It's kinda amazing how little information (and how much wrong information) the stores can get away with telling you. At least we both figured it out sooner or later.
I'm 90% sure it actually is ich. I noticed the balloon molly trying to rub up against a plant earlier (which, admittedly, was kinda hilarious... her body is NOT conducive to flashing). : P Nobody appears lethargic or listless, but a single white "salt grain" has shown up on the flashing Cherry Barb's tail (and I think I see one or two more on its underbelly, hard to tell since it's white though). I'll keep going with the water changes for now, and I went ahead and upped the tank temperature a bit over the last 3 hours (from 78ish to 81ish) since I hear that should help shorten the ich's cycle. From what I've read it sounds less like I need to treat the reacting fish and more like I need to treat the whole tank to clear it up. I was going to ask if using a medication would affect the bacteria I just built up when I cycled... if not, I see no reason not to dose the tank with the meds you suggested earlier (once I 100% verify it's ich). If it does affect the bacteria, it sounds like people have found aquarium salt to be a good cure (though it sounds like ya gotta know what you're doing to make it work), so I'll look into that more.
Fair enough. I'll stick with my stress-related theory for now, especially she's the only fish that freaks out when I stick the vacuum in (the cherries don't seem to care surprisingly, and the lyretail sits there and pecks at it).
I do vacuum the gravel (generally stick the tube an inch or so into it, wait 5 seconds, extract,move to other patch, repeat), so I'd totally buy me moving the tube around in it is kicking up sediment n' stuff.
As Blondie said, you've been VERY helpful.
Helped me verify a lot of stuff and given me confidence that I have some idea what on earth I'm doing this go-round. XD As I mentioned earlier, it's been fun reading about hearing about your and other people's fish too... been lurking on some of the other forums and reading about all the other tanks out there. Seems like Bettas are very popular here. *laughs*
Edit: Spent the last couple minutes looking at the fish, and the cherries decided to swim against the current long enough for me to get a real look at 'em "still". The one I mentioned earlier definitely has a couple salt grains on its underbelly, and another one or two on its tail. I also looked at Lunetta (the flashing balloon molly) some more and I'm fairly certain she has one on her underbelly as well (silly white underbellies). : P