Obviously don't add any more fish until you have a stable tank again.
Initially I think just general flashing for the first few days could simply due to different parameters in your water to what was in the LFS water.
Hardness, P.H, nitrates etc could all be slightly different from your supply.,
When I first put cherries in they always seem to flash quite a lot for a few days even though I acclimatised them for a good hour first. always seems to happen for me with cherries but never with any other fish.
Never had mollies but they should be fine with cherries, as long as you keep over 6 the cherries will just bother each other just make sure you have more females than males or have all the same sex.
Obviously don't add any more fish until you have a stable tank again.
Initially I think just general flashing for the first few days could simply due to different parameters in your water to what was in the LFS water.
Hardness, P.H, nitrates etc could all be slightly different from your supply.,
When I first put cherries in they always seem to flash quite a lot for a few days even though I acclimatised them for a good hour first. always seems to happen for me with cherries but never with any other fish.
Never had mollies but they should be fine with cherries, as long as you keep over 6 the cherries will just bother each other just make sure you have more females than males or have all the same sex.